Chapter 12: Cold getting Warmer

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I had such a migrane this morning. So bad, I felt terrible going to work, even with the things on my mind from yesterday. What's worse right now is that I have to face, Jasmine and go to the gym with her. That's what I agreed to do and I can't back down because Jasmine really does need to take her minds off some problems she's having to face with Rico. I feel so sorry for her, and I feel so bad that I kissed Rico. I felt so guilty that I didn't want to pick Jasmine up from hers but there's no good reason why I shouldn't. If I didn't pick Jasmine up, she would wonder why, and she might catch on to... Ugh maybe I'm being paranoid. Let me go there and get this over with. I went to her place and Rico happened to open up. I walked straight past him and into the living room. I didn't look his way, nor look at him. I waited and I could feel his presence lingering behind me. I heard him kiss his teeth and go into the kitchen. I sneakily peeped him in there drinking🙄 Whatever, I don't care. Jasmine finally came down. I thought she was leaving the house so I got up and went to the door but then she went to the kitchen to talk to Rico. I saw her kiss him and they hugged... ain't none of my business

We went to fitness class at the gym, now I wasn't paying mind to nobody. Just wanted to do my fitness and leave but then Jasmine was there flirting with some guy. I just let her do her thing, it's not like they were slopping their lips together. More of the time, it was fun and I was relieved of all the stress

When I dropped Jasmine home, we were joking, laughing but behind all of that was just pure guilt building up inside me and I couldn't do it no more. I just couldn't, I needed to tell someone. I need advice, I need closure!


After work I went straight to Ashante's place. I never told her I was coming but oh well. She'll know when she see's me

End of POV

Yn knocked on her door, and Keegan appeared. His face was priceless when he saw Yn at his doorstep

"What do you want? You here for Ashante cause girlie ain't here?"

"Do you know when she..."

"Look I don't know where she is, and no I don't know when she's gonna be back! Come another time, like say when she's here and I'm no where to be seen", He said sarcastically

Yn sighed and turned round, walking back to her car. As she was walking away...

"Wait... hold up! You want a stay for a little bit?"

She turned round and flashed a small nervous smile and walked back up. She went inside and Keegan led her into the living room. She sat herself down and put her stuff down beside her

"Where you coming from, work?"

She nodded

"So... why do you want to speak to Ashante?"

"It's kind of private, Keegan"

"Surely, you can tell me, if your talking to Ashante about it"

"Yeah, but it's grown women stuff, and to be honest, I don't think you'll be interested"

"You know, your probably right! All women do is talk shit anyway, I don't wanna hear about all that crap anyway"

"Excuse me?..."

"You heard me, you bitches don't have nun better to do than to just talk shit everyday of your fucking lives. I mean it's pretty depressing. And y'all wonder why y'all stress out. Y'all need help..."

"I'm just gonna act like I never just heard you say that"

"What... You know it's true. You like hiding from the truth, don't you? I mean you've been hiding for 5 years and turned up back in Ohio with Jacob? May I remind you this is the same dude that you chose over Rico, and wrecked ya'll relationship?!"

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