Chapter 10: Ladies Night Tonight

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She was really agitated so she on purpose got a little attitude and stormed into the kitchen being all stroppy and petty

"Bae?? I'm going now, you gonna give me kiss before I go?", he called

She ignored him

"Alright, be like that then, bae...", he left out the door

When she heard the door close, she began to tear up. She took off her heels and threw them into living room and poured herself a glass of wine, she drank and drank til the point she kept leaning off her seat. She pulled out her phone and dialled Jasmine's number and called her

"Hello? Yn, what's going on?"


"Yeah?... What's going on, you okay girl?"

"Are you busy right now, like now, like this moment in time?", Yn mumbled

She laughed through the phone, "Your drunk, aren't you? I'm coming over, right now!"

"Umm okay, I'll... I'll see you, when you get here"

"Okay I-..."

And Yn cut the phone off. She continued to down her glass of wine. It was about time, when Jasmine was at the door. Yn stumbled, struggling to walk to the door. She opened it

"HEEYY GURRL!", Yn slurred

"Okay...", Jasmine walked her into her living room and sat her on the couch

"Yn, it's daytime? Why are you drinking?"

She laughed, "You asking me?... You... you really think your the only one with relationships problems?"

"Why, what happened?"

"Jacob.... he's gone, somewhere. I don't know, something about work. He's going away for a few days and I just... I can't live with that! What if he gets used to it and start's going like... I don't know. Every week. We don't even see much of each other as it is cause there's woorrrk and then I go to the gyymmm, it's just...", She holds her head

".... Cmon, we are gonna get you sober for now and we are gonna get ready. We are going out this evening and I'm inviting Ashante. I could deal with a day out"

Yn nodded and Jasmine helped her get ready whilst she quickly popped into the kitchen for a bottle of water for Yn to sober down

Jasmine called Ashante and sent her Yn's address, since they are all meeting at Yn's to go to the club

That evening, they got a cab to drive them to a nearby club. A club that's a slash strip club too. They got themselves drunk but not so much as Yn. She wared off. She had one too many from earlier on, but she still wasn't fully sober, just a little tipsy. As for Jasmine, she got carried away with the shots

"Do you know what? Do you know what... what I really hate?"

"What?", Ashante chucked

"You know, everybody think being in a relationship is easy. You know, they think that... they can judge you, just because of what they see, but have no idea what actually goes on... down, down to the roots of mother nature and tbh, like shit happens behind closed doors and they don't know it but... it sickens me cause as much as Rico..."

"Oh girl... Let's noot please. This is a girl's night", Yn slurred

"Noo shaallap! Just... just listen okay? Just listen. See... men like Rico, are deceiving. Like more deceiving than a gangster claiming to be Christian. You know cause he was really attractive once I laid eyes on him"

Reunited and It Feels So Good!! (Sequel to Three Way Game) Ft Jacob PerezWhere stories live. Discover now