Chapter 16: New Beginnings?

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"Now... We're both grown. And yeah your right, I've been giving you the cold shoulder but I'm tired. I'm tired of having these same problem's with you. I just wanna live my life and you can happily live yours with your husband, Jacob"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Why are you getting defensive?", he screwed up his face

She shook her head, "You think I can't read you, I can read you like a book!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Rico just stop, alright. I know what this is about. I know you can't stop holding on to the past. I'm going to be married soon, so just stop with the jelly talk, alright?! It's sad"

He looks confused, "Lady, I'm trying to make a peace offering and you think I'm trying win you back? Did you not just hear what I just said?"

"Yeah... that you supposedly want to move on but I know you, Rico! I know you more than you think you do"

"As you claim..."

"It's not me claiming. It's just facts..."

He chuckled, "Do you know what?... I've realised there's no settling anything with you. Everything with you, there's a problem. I've been wasting so much time, for so loong, being there for you, but now I'm realising that I've been missing out on the only person who appreciates the shit I do for her. You hear what I'm saying? Jasmine!... is my queen, something you'll never ever be... even if you tried. I mean I bought you something to eat to make sure your fed, and you didn't even say thank you. You are literally out here, giving me all the attitude claiming I'm jealous over you and Jacob. Psst, girl gots to be joking...", he shook his head sipping on his hot drink

She teared up, got up and ran out the restaurant. Keegan got up and rushed over to Rico. He punched him in his arm and Rico flinched

"Man are you crazy?!!"

"Are you crazy??!! All you had to do, was just be cool with her! And you couldn't even do that! Dafuq is wrong with you man?!!", He left the restaurant

Rico left the restaurant a while after, and went home. He was at home, watching basketball when he decided he'd call Keegan to apologise


"Keegan, bro I'm sorry man"

"I ain't the one you should be saying sorry to bro"

He sighed, "Your right, your right! Honestly I appreciate you for at least trying though bro. Your really a real one"

"It's all good Rico. Just sort it out though. You can't be not seeing eye to eye when it comes to the wedding"

"Your right... Alright, I'll check you later Keegan, bro!"

"Aight, Rico"

He hung up and went upstairs for a nap. After his hour nap, he woke up and called Jasmine upstairs. He was in his room, stripping his shirt off

"Rico...", she smirked

"Come here...", he bit his lip

"What? I'm cooking, Rico"

"You can do that after. Just come here...", he whined

She sighed and walked towards him as he pulled her closer to him. She giggled, "What's gone into you!"

"Nu'un. I just love you, that's all", he said rubbing her behind. He kissed her neck. He was caressing her and she was getting weaker. She slowly pushed Rico back as they both dropped on the bed...

Reunited and It Feels So Good!! (Sequel to Three Way Game) Ft Jacob PerezWhere stories live. Discover now