Chapter 38: AfterMath 2

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Jasmine's POV

The door slammed and I began to tear up. I had no one to confide in, everybody probably hates me for what I did😓 smh

End of POV

Meanwhile at Keegan's, Rico kept going on about how much of a cheat Jasmine is

"Look I'm telling you if Jacob didn't come back into our lives along with Yn, none of this would've never happened"

"Your right, but everything happens for a reason"

"Who's side you on, Keegan?!", Rico got defensive

"Yours ofc bro and I proper feel you, like I got you, but we also got to face the fact that Jasmine had no one who was there for her whilst you was laying up in that hospital bed"

"So this is somehow my fault?"

Keegan roller his eyes, "That's not what I'm saying. What I'm trying to say is, as much as I fucking hate that douchebag Jacob if it wasn't for him to keep Jas on her toes, you and Jasmine would've never reached this point"

"Now I think about it I wished it never reached this point"

Keegan sighed, "Look, Jacob deserved what he got. You know he should've been there for his own wife but the truth is he probably just wasn't thinking straight. He was trying to be some sort of hero. He prolly thought he had could keep Jasmine strong for when you heal and get better, instead of being there for Yn. Instead I was the one in fact who was there for Yn"

"I know that... I told him to look after Jasmine for me. And You held Yn down?!"

"Yeah ofc I did but that's not the point. Jasmine was crushed when she saw you in that state. But If I'm honest, Yn did seem worse than Jasmine was. And I'm not saying that Jasmine didn't have it for you, but you could tell which one was more worried than the other, and for sure Yn was, bro"

Rico shook his head, "So if you held Yn down... who was holding Ashante down?"

"Honestly Rico, man she left with Jacob's little brother, Rakim. He took her home and I don't know what happened after that and to be honest I don't wanna know"

He rubbed his eyes, "Man it just sounds like every singe dude in Jacob's family just couldn't keep their hands off of other people's women. They're known for taking a man's woman. Overall tho it just sounds like everybody wasn't holding down their own partners like they were supposed to"

"Think of it all you like but the truth is if it wasn't for Jacob, Jasmine wouldn't be the way she is right now. You didn't see you the way she was so you wouldn't understand"

He sighed, "Hold up man, you held Yn down? Bro gossiping about me to her behind my back is one thing but I never thought you would handle her like that?"

"Things change, people change...", Keegan shrugged

Rico rose his eyebrow, suspicious, "What did you two exactly do, you know with you being there for her and all?"

"What?", he kissed his teeth, "Cmon now Rico man. We ain't do nothing"

Rico chuckled, "For the time I've known you bro, you can't lie to me and expect me to believe you"


Rico smirked at him and rose an eyebrow

He scoffs, "... We kissed and it got a bit heated but we both stopped it from going any further"

"How does that work out?"

"It happened twice"

"Twice?", he laughed, "I cant believe this... So y'all made out in Jacob's house within a night, twice?"

Reunited and It Feels So Good!! (Sequel to Three Way Game) Ft Jacob PerezWhere stories live. Discover now