Chapter 31: The AfterMath

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Meanwhile upstairs in one of the spare rooms was Yn's crying on Keegan's chest. Keegan cried too but still kept strong to comfort her. She cried soo hard and it wasn't getting any better. Only Keegan had an idea of what Yn was feeling right now, because only he knows how she really feels about him. They both sobbed and Keegan sat back at head of the bed and laid whilst Yn laid on him crying, and he'd rub her arm and they both cried to sleep

Downstairs, Ashante was still shocked rocking in the chair with her fingers in her mouth whilst Yn's other friends were trying to comfort her too. She broke out in tears too, and started lashing out, and Rakim came and comforted her. Nina went over to Nico as she saw that he was pretty traumatised too and cuddled up with him too whilst they were both sat on the ground. Everybody stayed til it got late and some just stayed over as the literally cried themselves to sleep

Ashante couldn't think straight and was offered a ride home, in Rodriguez's car which Rakim plans of asking to use to drop her off home. Rodriguez gave him the keys to his car with no doubt and Rakim patted him on his shoulder and left the house with Ashante. Ashante wasn't really in the right mind state. She was still shocked of todays event. She could care less about anyone else except Jasmine suffering right now, so she let Rakim drop her home

As for everybody else, stayed especially Jacob's brothers. They wasn't trying to leave soon as they were waiting to hear some news and if that meant staying over then so'd be it. Even Jacob's friend and cousins stayed. One of Yn's friends, Nina stayed over as well to keep Nico comforted. They all slept downstairs

The Hospital

Jasmine and Jacob was waiting. Jasmine was waiting at the window of the room, looking down at Rico. Jacob was sat down, deep in thought. One of the nurses came out the room and they both turned round so quick. Jasmine ran up to the nurse and asked how he's doing

"He's in a bit of a critical condition at the moment but I can assure you, we'll try our very best. He's lucky to have you, the both of you", she turned to Jacob too

Jacob nodded as the nurse shared some sort of affection with Jasmine, rubbing her hand. Then the nurse walked away, and Jasmine looked lost in her presence. Jacob sat her next to him and she bursted out in tears again and laid her head on his shoulder

The Next Morning

Jacob and Jasmine stayed the night, sleeping in those rough uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room. She woke up first and off straight away. She was desperate to see him and so she went over to the reception and asked about Rico and asked if it was time she could go inside

Meanwhile at back Yn's house, everybody was fast asleep except Nico, and Nina. They were both in the kitchen, drinking on a hot cuppa. They didn't really say anything but actions

"...Nico, do you wanna talk about it?"

He didn't say a word but take a sip of his drink. He looked at her but had nothing to say

"Nico, I know your traumatised but you can talk to me. That's why I'm here, that's why I stayed over", she took his hand in hers

He looked at her hands holding hers and he rubbed hers and got up with his cuppa and left the kitchen. She sighed and ruffled her hair in distress. He went outside to the front of the house and sat their alone

Meanwhile upstairs, Yn woke up. She found herself laying on Keegan's chest and got up and straight into the shower. As she was showering, Keegan was woken too and he just laid there staring at a random object in the room. As Yn got out the shower she got ready and changed into a long sleeved oversized shirt. She came back out the bathroom and saw Keegan was awake, dozing off. She searched through the drawers and Keegan turned to her watching her do whatever she was doing. She wasn't paying attention. The whole time they didn't talk... Yn left to go back into the bathroom

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