Chapter 28: The Honeymoon

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"I cannot continue to keep doing this with you, Rico, I..."

"I know you can't... that's why your chest is on mine"

She looked down and took a step away keeping hold on the gaze with Rico

"Why did you call me here, Yn?"


"You don't know why you called me here?"

She didn't say anything but stare back at him

"Aight, I'll tell you why you called me here. I figured with you, actions speak louder than words, right. You'll tell yourself you called me here to 'talk' but we both know it's more than that. Like cause I can't understand why the bride of her own wedding would leave her service on her own wedding day to come see me back at her place and Jacob don't even know"


He groaned, "Tell me you love me..."

"I ca—..."

"If you don't I swear to you, I'll leave you alone from this moment on. I won't bother you no more and I promise to give you and Jacob my blessing"

"...You tell me you love me", She backfired

I backed her up into the counter and I lowered my voice, "I love you Yn, I've always loved you"

End of POV

She sealed her lips, and she nodded. Her chest was heaving up and down and she got breathless when she looked back into his eyes, "...I love you too Rico"

He exhaled, "Say that again"

"I love...", she whispered as he unbuttoned his shirt and he lifted up her thigh up, and she inhaled deeply, "I love you, Rico"

"Say it again..."

She wrapped her arms round him, "I love you, Rico", he grabbed the other leg and picked her up. He placed her on the counter

"Say it again...", he pulled up her dress and rubbed her on her thighs and kissed her on her neck

She moaned lustfully, "Baby, I lovee you!", Her head dropped to the side as she gasped rapidly. He trailed the kiss from her neck to her lips and they both crashed their lips passionately. She bit on his lip and pulled back a little

"...but I'm literally cheating on Jacob right now"

"Shh...", He kissed her and she was losing interest

"Rico, I'm serious", she pulled back again

"After all that sneaking behind your back?..."

"That doesn't make me a better person to do the exact same thing"

Rico sighed and he let go and walked away, "I can't believe this..."

"Wait... Rico! Stay..."

She pulled him back and he looked at her like he was tired of it all. She took his hand and lead him to her bedroom. He sat down at the edge of the bed and she closed the door. She stood in front of him and took a deep breath, and pulled her dress off from the shoulders slowly. He slowly took off his blazer and unbuttons his shirt. She pulls the dress off and was left in her corset. Yn walks closer and runs her fingers along his abs. He gasped and she crashes her lips on his again. He drops back onto the bed and switches places so he's on top and she's on the bottom. He pulls away from the kiss and zips down his flyer and drops his pants and throws em on the ground. He pulls it out. She looks down at it and back at him. He slowly adjusts the tip into the enter zone and she gasps gracefully. He's thrusting steadily and she grips onto the sheets. He leans down, kissing her neck and then he stops. He leans up and looks at her

Reunited and It Feels So Good!! (Sequel to Three Way Game) Ft Jacob PerezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora