Chapter 11: Reconciliation

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I just kept drinking and drinking on my glass of alcohol. I literally stayed here for like 15mins since Rico took her upstairs

He came back down, and I turned round but turned back round the other way when I realised it was just me and him

End of POV

Yn looked at her wrist, "Woahh, look at the time...", she got up and tried to run to the door

Rico went after her and stopped her from going anywhere, and closed the door back in, he chuckled, and pulled her back inside, "Nah, I don't think so, you aint going home, drunk. Your going to stay here to sober up. Jasmine wants me to look after you so that's what Imma do. Cause that's just what I do"

She slid out his grip, "Okay... Man! I get the idea...", She walked back to the couch, "You know you, Rico. I don't know... who you think you are sometimes. Captain America or something but you can't save everybody, you know. Do you know what, that's a lie, I might need saving right about now, cause I'm about to go grab myself another drink", she got up and ran to the kitchen, sniggering

Rico ran into the kitchen after her and took the bottle away from her, "Cmon now, girl. Why do you do this to yourself?"

"What? I'm not doing nothing!", she laughed and leaned against his chest

She realised that he had his arm wrapped round her waist and pulled out of it, "Umm... Do you know what Rico? If you was a girl... you'd understand the things a woman has to go through, you know", she went and sat back in the couch, "Guys are always watching you, looking at you, then objectifying you like your just a piece of meat. They really don't appreciate the finer things a woman brings to a table. Us women, are precious... like very precious. You men need us, just like Jacob needs me... Jacob need's me as much as I need him, but he's not making that easy, going away for days every so often. I worry about him, and I want him in my life, looking after me but... ughh... I don't know why I'm even telling you all of this like your supposed to care..."

"No, really... it's fine with me. I want to know actually, you know. I haven't had the time to have a proper conversation with you since you... you know", he shrugged

She looked straight at him, "Rico... the past... I don't know... I'm just sorry. I'm soo sorry, for everything. The pain I caused you, I can't even imagine how you dealt with it. It was pretty selfish of me, I guess. I just want you to know...I thought of you too, but time flew and Jacob and I, had things working out between us, and to be honest I wanted to stay with him, and from then I just wanted to move on...", she teared up wiping them away

He stood there gritting his teeth, trying to stay calm. He nodded, "Do you love him?..."

"...Rico... I-..."

"Do you love him? Do you love Jacob?"

She switched up her mood, and got defensive and wiped her tears away, "Why are you asking me If I love him? You know I do..."

"Say it then. Tell me that you love him"

"You know, I cannot believe your going to stand there, and put me on the spot like that! Are you crazy?! You are here, playing a detective on my life, why don't you go and be that on your own life and ask yourself that about Jasmine! Do you love Jasmine huh? I bet you don't even appreciate her! It's guys like you, decent women like Jasmine waste time on. You are PATHETIC, Rico! You know that! Jasmine told me everything that goes on between you two. From you not showing her any love, affection, to you going out all the time and not showing her the time of day! But you, you are the one pointing the finger, JUDGING ME!", She stood up, raising her voice

"Yn, I ain't judging you..."

"Well then... that's a start! Cause you know what Jasmine doesn't even deserve you. Good for her, she wants to break it off with you. Good-for-her, she doesn't have to be lonely and depressed anymore. I mean that is why, we go to the gym. She needs a hobby to take her mind off of the stress your putting her through, and she's doing it well and she's about to take action", She walked up to him and poked him, "👇🏾GOOD👇🏾FUCKEN👇🏾RIDDANCE!!", She looked into his eyes angrily

Reunited and It Feels So Good!! (Sequel to Three Way Game) Ft Jacob PerezWhere stories live. Discover now