Chapter 41: The End of the Road

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Yn's POV

I just came back and finished gym and I just seen like 8 missed calls from Keegan. Why? I don't know why but I'm going to call him back

"Yn?! You there??"

"Keegan, yes I'm here. What's up?"

"I think you should pay your friend a visit"

"What? Who?"

"Look Rico is flying out tonight, he says 'to start a new life'. Dude is straight up loco! He's tripping. This may sound harsh but he said goodbye to everyone but you from what I heard"

"But me? why would he say goodbye to everyone but—..."

"Believe it or not I think he loves you and I guess that's his way of protecting you, look I don't know I don't fucking know what's gong on in his head right now. I can't make sense of any of it. I just thought I'd call and give you a heads up"

"...Yeah, thanks for telling me, Keegan"

"Good luck, Yn"

I hung up and just pretty fuming tbh that he didn't think to at least tell me he's leaving. I mean after everything? I was in my fitness clothes but I didn't care. I rushed off into the car that me and Jacob share and drove off to the address Keegan sent me

Everything seemed to be holding me back on this journey. The drive took long as hell for at least about 40 mins. It was getting late too, I pushed down on that pedal fasttt💨

Once I got outside the place their where so many posh buildings. This was way further from Ohio, what is he playing at? Is this where's he's been staying all along? I rushed inside and thankfully there was no queue at the counter

"Excuse me... excuse me do you know of a Rico Rodriguez who is staying here?"

The women behind the counter put on a face like she expected me to give more information

"Errm...", I pulled out my phone and read the address of Rico's floor 4, "Thats umm, Rico Rodriguez floor 4 and I'm sure this is the hotel he's staying at?"

The women typed into the computer then back to me, "Sorry I don't know of a Rico Rodriguez"

"Wha— What? His-His name is Rico Rodriguez type it again! Type it again!"

The women rolled her eyes and typed in his details again, "Sorry ma'am there is no recollection of a Rico Rodriguez on floor 4"

"What?!! This- This can't be right! Wtf Keegan?!"

I scrolled through my phone to get in contact with Keegan and all of a sudden I hear someone call my name


I looked up and it was Marcelo but he was behind the counter in uniform

"Marcelo?!! What are you doing here? Do you work here?

"Work here? I own the place"

😟... Anyway

"...Right right, okay well Marcelo since you own this place do you recollect a guy called Rico, Rico Rodriguez, he's living in one of your flats at the moment"

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