Understood - Julian Devorak

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Inspired by a comic made by @aaliyah_draws on Instagram
"[name]?" Asra called out.

"Yes?" You asked, popping in from up the stairs. He had his scarf and ever familiar hat on, his satchel wrapped over one shoulder.

"I'm heading out for a few days." He said. "Faust will tell me if something has happened. If something has, I'll come home right away."


"You know what to do if an intruder comes?"


He smiles. "Alright."

"Bye Asra!"

"Good bye."

He shut the door behind him. For most of the week, all was calm and quiet. People came in and out in the shop, most just curious and never bought anything. On the third night when you fell asleep, you heard something in the shop.

"Mx. [name], I want you to know that is any intruder breaks into the shop, just break this over their head." Julian said, holding up a glass bottle. It took you by a small surprise, but nothing panic-worthy. "I know this tactic is a bit esscentric, but good old Brundle here is not as sturdy as she was before to help guard the shop."

He pat the dog as she walked over to you, letting you scratch behind her ears.

You sat up in your bed, noticing that from Faust's bed she was hissing. You got up, grabbing an empty glass bottle from under your nightstand. You can't remember how you got the bottle, per say, but Asra said it might be useful one day. Looks like that day is today.

You climbed down the stairs slowly, making sure no one else in the house could hear you. You saw a large silhouette rummaging through boxes and cupboards, through the display cases and even checking for loose floorboards. When the person turned around, you took the bottle and smashed it on their head. They screeched in pain, and you lit a lantern nearby so you could see their face. They turned around, a large cut on their head from the sharp glass had formed. It was bleeding a lot. He put his hands up.

"You're my apprentice, and I want you to be safe whenever I leave the shop." Julian said, handing you the bottle.

You point the now sharp glass at his throat. He chuckles hoarsely, smiling at you.

"I want you to be prepared to defend yourself in any way possible." Julian asked as you looked inside the bottle. "Do you understand, Mx. [name]?"

"Who are you?! Why are you here?!" You questioned.


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