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White walls. Damn these white walls. If I had paint...Oh hell these walls wouldn't be white anymore.

"I want to get out," I whispered to myself.

How did you ever get out of this room, Lana? There must be a way out, and you couldn't have gotten out through the door.

They've posted a guard out there to keep watch, just in case I decide to come out. I don't know how they thought me so stupid. I knew there was a button outside, and only outside, that could be pushed, but only after a code had been entered. There was no way to leave the room without a code and without outside help. Where would I get outside help?

If only Jake could visit again. I sighed. I had asked Mason why Jake wasn't coming again.

"Jake works now, Ariella. He doesn't really have time. Besides, you have Jasmine now." That was his response.

Yes, I was good friends with Jasmine now. It wasn't just because Mason adored Victoria; it was because Jasmine and I had bonded. She was a good person and kept me sane. I had someone to talk to and so did she. Jasmine did have many other friends that I was introduced to and we were with them as much as possible. I found out that they were the ones that Victoria, I mean Elizabeth, abused.

I didn't pity them, they clearly didn't want pity. What they wanted was escape. It was etched across their faces, every time they saw her. Like a tattoo that read 'Get me out of here'.

I wondered for days why they were put here in this institution. They were normal. Well as normal as you could be when you see things that people call hallucinations. I saw those 'hallucinations' that roamed the place. They'd appear and reappear, sometimes the same ones, sometimes new ones. Men, women and even children were showing themselves, attempting to scare the life out of patients. The patients that could see them at least.

How did you escape, Lana? I thought again.

I knew this hideous white room from top to bottom, corner to corner and knew exactly where the cameras were hidden. I had spent a lot of time in here, it was obvious.

How did you escape, Lana?

This room has been etched into my memory and I know of know other way out except for the door. Who has time to figure out the code? I need outside help for that and if Jake really doesn't have time for me then how the hell was I supposed to get out?

Unless Jasmine could sneak out here at night with some help and break the code. But that would be difficult. There was the matter of the guard outside the door and the nurses and doctors and therapists walking the building. No way would I be able to get out.

I tucked my knees into my chest and wrapped my arms around them. It was so cold in here, and they didn't even give me anything warm to wear or a blanket.

Where does this stupid cold air come from? I wish they would turn it down.

I continued staring at the door, thinking of ways to get outside help. Maybe if Jasmine snuck out at night...but wait, their rooms have coded locks. Damn it. We're going to need someone that doesn't stay in this place. If Jake didn't have to work, part of this problem would be solved. I need Jake to...

Cold air. Cold freaking air.

It had to come from somewhere. It had to come from some outer source and come in through somewhere, somewhere in this white, cushioned room.

Now I just had to find it.

I leapt out of my curled position in the middle of the floor and flew to the wall to the right of the door. The camera was in the corner so that it had a full view of the room except for right underneath it. Before I could even think of a way to hide from the camera and start searching, I heard the seven faint beeps that indicating entry. Someone was coming, most likely Mason. I haven't seen Dr. Nikki in a while but I know she's watching me. She's always watching. I bet Dr. Nikki is the one viewing me through the camera like some experiment. To her I was just some other patient that seemed uncontrollable.

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