He has awoken.

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The Sun prince heard his name behind him making him turn quickly from the window. Princess Nari was falling to the ground and he rushed over catching her just in time before her head could hit the ground. "Mage, help!" He yelled out in panic. Her pure white face was now corrupted by black veins coming out of her eyes. "What happened out there?" Jungkook whispered under his breath as he moved Nari's hair off her face.

"Jungkook, what happened!?" The Royal mage called out as he rushed over to them, behind him a couple of teachers, and a group of students. "I don't know! I heard my name and when I turned around she was nearly on the floor unconscious!" The mage sat down on his knees on the prince's opposite side and inspected Naris's now corrupted face. "What happened?" He whispered to himself just as the prince did while scanning her face for clues. "It will be fine." He finally said while looking up at Jungkook. "Miss Gradi please lead Prince Jungkook to the hospital wing and take care of Princess Nari there." The mage said as he got slowly back up. "Can we join him?" Taehyung asked right away with JB by his side. The mage just nodded. Jungkook stood up slowly as well while lifting Nari's lifeless body with him and followed behind Miss Gradi while Taehyung and JB stayed by his side.

Soon enough they walked into a big room with hospital beds standing neatly in rows. Miss Gradi pointed Jungkook to lay Nari down on one of the beds while she got a crystal bowl with glowing water. Jungkook laid Nari down and looked up at his Hyungs. He was happy they could come with him, he wasn't alone caring for her. Miss Gradi sat down next to Nari's bed and moved the glowing water from the bowl to Nari's body. "She has no injuries. Her heart did go through a lot but that's normal for shadows as they have those chains connected to their hearts." Jungkook was slightly taken aback that Miss Gradi knew this as Taehyung and JB were clearly very confused. She moved the water higher to Nari's face but once she did the water turned black and vanished into thin air making Miss Gradi gasp and jump back. Jungkook moved closer to the nurse worried. "Are you oke, Miss?" He asked making her look up at him, fear written all over her face. "I do not know what happened out there but it was nothing good. Her head is filled with unknown darkness that doesn't allow her to wake up. Jungkook looked down at The Dark Princess his heart beating in his throat as he feared for her life. "Is there anything we can do? It is known that light can scare away the darkness, maybe it will work with a shadow as well." JB spoke up hopeful. Miss Gradi looked up at him and then outside. "One of you for sure won't work as it is still night but maybe together it could." She sounded unsure but the suns didn't need anything else. They placed their hands above Nari's face and focused. Jungkook felt his powers wake up thanks to his Hyungs and a golden light fell onto her face.

"No!" The Dark princess yelled as she jerked upright making everyone jump away from the bed. "Nari, calm down you're back with us." Jungkook said softly trying to calm her down as he moved closer. Her eyes met his right away. "Jungkook..." She said again just like she did when she appeared behind the prince. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her softly, making her lie back down. "He is awake." She whispered again her fingers gripping Jungkooks shirt. Something really bad happened out there Jungkook knew this wasn't the Nari he met. "Who is awake, Nari?" He asked taking hold of the hand that was softly pulling on his shirt. She tried to answer but she was too weak and once again her lifeless body was laying on the bed. "Prince Jungkook, I think it's for the best she rests, all of you should do the same." Miss Gradi said and Taehyung got behind Jungkook placing his hands on the prince's shoulders. "You are right Miss. Come on Kook time to bed." He said as he pushed the prince away from the bed and out the door while JB wished the nurse goodnight. Jungkook wasn't aware of anything that happened until V popped him down on his bed.

"Who is awake?" The prince asked looking up at his friends. "We know as much as you Kook. We will know more when Nari wakes up. You need sleep now don't get bothered by it too much." Jungkook just sighed as he knew Tae was right. "Do you want one of us to stay with you?" JB asked looking worried at the prince. "No, it's fine. I need to process this anyway." They just nodded. "Goodnight Kook, please rest." Taehyung said before they both walked out of the room closing the door behind them.

Jungkook let himself fall on his bed as he felt his heart pound in his chest. He questioned if this was how Nari felt all the time because of her chains, he could feel every movement of his heart. He wasn't sure what made his heart rush more, the fact that Nari was alone in the hospital wing unconscious or whatever had awoken today.

'She was in my head all night. Those beautiful blue eyes carried me to sleep, and the cold black ones haunted me.'

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