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"C'mon Noor, it'll be fun, it's just a party."

"No, you know how I feel about these things I don't want to come with you." I said firmly one more time before going to the door "I am leaving" That's all what I said as I went out and couldn't hear her response.

I know it's wrong to still be friends with her. But I can't just give up on her. She is my friend. We have been friends for ten years now, I can't just walk away. Samira wasn't always like this, she changed when her mother died and so did her brother. They weren't Muslims from the beginning but they weren't like this. Now it's all about parties and drugs. I try to advice her but there is no hope anymore, she doesn't listen. But I can't just leave, there is a part of me that knows she needs me. She is just lost.

Suddenly everything turned black. I look around, I'm in that room again. A loud screech makes me to turn my head to the door. I see a figure,..

No, no, no

"Well I see you're awake now again" As soon as I hear his voice I curl myself into a ball in the corner. I glare at him making his smirk widen.

"You will never get away with this none of you will. My father will find me and then you will all rot in jail." I said trying to sound strong but unfortunately my voice failed me. I was scared. Really scared. He knew it. And he was enjoying every moment.

"Really Noor? It's been a week already since you're here. Where is your dear dad, huh?" He said to me as he came closer making me to curl myself into the wall even more if that's even possible.

He was now in front of me and I was shaking really bad. He raised his hand making me close my eyes but as I waited the punch never came. I opened my eyes to see him still smirking but he placed his hand gently on my cheek making me confused.

"Oh Noor but even if they're searching they will never find you Will be gone tomorrow." He said as he stroke my cheek. He makes me feel disgusted. He is disgusting.

I had to stop my every being from spitting on his face because I knew if I did that it'll only worsen things for me.

So instead I asked the question that is on my mind "What do you mean?"

"Oh naive little Noor, tomorrow I'm gonna sell you and it's gonna make me rich specially since you're so beautiful." He traced his hand along my jaw line then to my neck. That took the last straw in me. I spat at him, making him wince.

"You never learn Noor do you?" He said glaring at me as he cleaned the spit off of his face. He came closer and started throwing punches at me. Punch after punch. Kick after kick.

"Stop, please stop" I begged him but he wouldn't stop. He started touching me.



Stop just stop



"Noor wake up, Noor!"

I jolted up with a scream, I looked around. I wasn't in my room making me panic for a few seconds but then I felt a touch on my arm.

"No stop." I said as I went far away from the person.

"Noor , baby it's me, Yusuf" He said making me look at him. I was in our bedroom with Yusuf. I sighed in relief but I felt sick. I stood up and went to the bathroom as fast as I could and started throwing up.

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