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Your POV

I made them spaghetti. Then go outside to make a call. I look at the number. I breathe out. You better answer. "Hello this is General Ironwood." He says. "Hey James." I say.

"(Y/n) this is a surprise." He says. "I need you." I say. "Wait what?" He says. He's probably doing that stupid smirk. "Well not like that but I need to let off some steam. So why not put it to a good cause. I know you could probably use some help. I heard about the issue with your soldiers so right now I'm a good option. You know you want to see me." I say. He pauses for a minute. "Fine send me your coordinates and I'll have one of my ships pick you up tonight." He says.

"Thanks." I say. I text him my coordinates I get back inside. "What was that about?" Qrow asks. "I am going to go blow off some steam and James is going to send one of his ships to take me to him." I say. "What steam do you have to blow off?" He asks. "My problems not yours. I'd ask you to come with me but you brought kids with you. You take care of them and I'll be back as soon as possible." I say as I go up the stairs. He grabs my arm.

"Wait you don't know how bad it is in Atlas." He says. "Actually I do I was there. We've dealt with worse." I say. "Wait you we're there and you didn't tell me?!" He says. "Trust me if I did tell you you'd only be freaking out more. I took care of the north and west. I'm fine on my own. I fend for myself when you're gone like always." I say and pull away from him. I go upstairs to my room and put my gear on. He slams the door open. I get my weapons.

"Don't do this (Y/n) it's dangerous out there." He says. "I tell you that all the time. You do it anyway. I graduated top of our class I'll be fine." I say examining my weapons. "I don't go off to a grimm infested city everytime. You shouldn't do this. Wh-." He says. I stop him by pulling him into a kiss. "I'll be fine. Stay here and do what you came here to do." I say. He pulls me into a tight hug. "(Y/n)." He says.

"Yeah." I say. "I love you." He says. He's usually to tough to say I love you or show affection when others are around. "I love you too." I say. I hold him close. I remove myself from the hug. "I'll see you tomorrow promise." I say.

"You better." He says. I head down stairs and run out the door. The ship was waiting for me already. They help me in.

Qrow's POV

"Uncle Qrow is everything okay." Ruby asks. "Everything is fine." I say. "You don't look fine." Rin says. "She's going to Atlas with Ironwood. How could I not be okay." I say. "General Ironwood, why does that worry you. He's strong and smart when it comes to battle." Ruby says. I sigh and pull up a seat. I take a long drink.

"That's the thing he's strong. He always hasn't been perfect in battle. (Y/n) and Ironwood were on a team together. Luckily she was the leader. One day he decided to go off into the woods to fight some grimm because he wanted to prove a point. That he was better for (Y/n) not me. He was so overcome by jealousy that he ended up getting himself hurt. Her team and mine went out looking for him and that's the reason why he's half machine." I say.

"So you think he might want revenge for that?" She asks. "No I'm just worried he might force himself onto her. Even though she could probably take him. They dated at the academy and he could try to bring old feelings back." I say. "You do like her." Ruby says.

"Yeah I do. We broke up for awhile because I was going on this complicated mission. She told me not to go begged me. I did anyway so we broke up. She had a whole future planned out and she told me that. It was just a waste of time talking to me about it because I wouldn't listen. That I'd end up going away every chance that I got. That's why we separated. We got back together after my long journey. Although maybe she does feel like she wants to be with someone else. After all the times I've left her." I say. "That's not true. (Y/n) is a good person from what I know. I think she likes you a lot too." Ruby says. "She is a good person. I'll see you all tomorrow." I say and go upstairs.


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