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Your POV

He leaves my room. I quickly clean myself up. I blush what was I thinking. Telling him to do it again. Although kids with Tai sounds nice. He'd be a great father. I just look at myself in the mirror.

Am I really ready for that? I've wanted kids for awhile. Tai does make me happy. On the other hand there is Qrow. I've wanted a family with him. He has dad potential vibes. I just feel like it's a risk.

Am I really ready for any of this? I just want to have a happy ending with a family. I head downstairs with my weapon in it's holster. I hear arguing already. "Can you not be so loud please." I say. "Tell him that I'd be good dad material." Qrow says. "Huh?" I say.

"I never said you wouldn't be. I said you don't act like a dad." Tai says. The kids just watch them argue. "Okay listen. Tai he's good dad material. He's been traveling with the kids protecting them. That's a big part of being a dad. He's gotten them a place to stay and food so that is too. He's dad material. I wouldn't know exactly what a good dad is but he's got the main things down. You know I can't judge this. You both do." I say.

"Right sorry." Tai says. "We didn't mean to upset you." He says. "It's ok just stop arguing about little things okay. Even my team didn't argue as much as you do. You're like children fighting over a toy." I say. They look at me. "We aren't going there today okay." I say. They just glare at each other. Oscar just watches.

I can tell Ozpin wants in on this argument. They're arguing over me yet the kids don't even know. The door opens a girl with long blonde hair comes in. She's tall and beautiful. They all go silent and stare in awe. Ruby runs up and hugs her. "I missed you so much you finally got out of the house." She says.

"Thank God you're safe!" Tai says and hugs her. This must be his other daughter Yang. They go and talk amongst themselves. I don't know what to do. I just make drinks. "Yang I want you to meet someone." Tai says. Oh boy.

He brings Yang over to me. "Yang this is (Y/n). (Y/n) this is my daughter Yang." He says. "Hi nice to meet you." She says and puts her hand out. I shake it "Same. Tai's told me a lot about you and Ruby. Blake has also written about you quite a lot." I say. "Really wow I didn't think she'd talk much about me to anyone." She says. "Oh we talk about lots of stuff. School. Guys and Girls." I say with a wink.

"Oh really." She says with a little blush on her cheeks. "Mhm. I am her favorite aunt after all. I give her all the tips on everything I know. It's up to her to put it to the test." I say. "I see." She says. "You guys are getting along quickly." He says. "Are you trying to say I'm not friendly?" I ask. "No no it's just it takes you awhile to warm up to people. That aren't customers." He says. "Well if Blake talks highly of Yang then I won't be hesitant. She's a tough nut to crack." I say.

"She must get that from you." He says. I just look at him. "Anyway you actually intrigue me the most Yang. You're a lot like Tai from the stories I've heard from them." I say. He walks off. "Oh God what did he tell you? Probably embarrassing things." She says.

"He's a dad so of course he goes over board on things. So hearing them all and knowing him for awhile. I think you're a perfect fit for Blake. He's a good guy, funny and he's caring. You're like a little replica of him. She likes you a lot. You've been through a lot together. Anyone willing to go through so much with her. Someone willing to stand by her side no matter what. Gets a gold star from me. If you want to impress anyone. It'd be me. I'll just put her dad in a head lock till he gives if he's hesitant about you. I doubt he will be. I've talked highly about you too. To her parents. Her mom likes you too." I say.

She blushes. "So welcome to the family. That is if you want to be in it some day that's your decision." I say. "What are you two talking about?" Qrow asks. "Just girl stuff." I say. "Mhm." He says. "Anyway you should train with us tomorrow. I wanna see what you're made of. See how well these two old dogs have trained you. Ruby is strong but she says that you're stronger." I says. "She's super strong." Ruby says.

"Okay then I'll join you tomorrow." She says. They go off to their friends. "You have your ways with getting what you want." Tai says. "What ever do you mean?" I say and pull a chair and sit. They sit too. "You're trying to analyze their fighting styles. To see who works best with who." He says. "No just seeing where they are with their training. I have to in order to protect them. Everyone has weaknesses. I just have to figure theirs out. In order to make them stronger. To keep them away from them. I want them to succeed and be safe." I say.

"Aww." Tai says. "What?" I say. "You're a mom now." Qrow says. "No I'm not." I say. "Too late it's been said and told. You are full on mom starting now." Tai says. "I just don't know if I'm ready to take care of all of them." I say. "You always manage to get anything done." Qrow says.

"So this should be easy for you." Tai says. "You've been mothering this whole time." Qrow says. "Really?" I ask. "Mhm you just don't realize it comes naturally I guess." Qrow says. They drink their drinks. "That makes me feel at ease. Guess it won't be too hard for when I have four kids." I say. They both spit out their drinks.

"Four?!" Tai says. "Mhm." I say and drink. "Like back to back?" Qrow says. "Well they don't have to be. It's the amount I plan for no less." I say. They both look nervous. "Something wrong?" I ask. "Nope." Qrow says.

"Nothing at all." Tai says. "Wait why are you worried?" Qrow asks. "Why are you?" Tai says. "Please not right now." I say. "Wait you and him?!" They both say.


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