Your Highness (Part #2)

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Writer: tolkien-fantasy
Series: Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Merry x Thorin's Daughter! Reader
Summary: When a young Dwarf Girl joined the fellowship, Merry fell head over heels. But he had no idea that she was the daughter of Thorin, and heir to the throne of Erebor. They push their feelings for one another deep down, but it all bursts loose in a moment of peril.
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Merry was very conflicted with himself, which tormented him for days on end. He loved (Y/N), he really did, but she was a Dwarven Princess. There was no way in Hell someone of her standing would ever be interested in a simple Hobbit! And so, he pushed his feelings deep down inside, hoping they would snuff out eventually. But they didn't go away.

Despite being well into their adventure, his feelings for (Y/N) persisted. He was often lost in thought, whether it be about how dreamy (Y/N) was or what to do about his predicament. The entire rest of the company noticed.

Even (Y/N) had her suspicions about Merry's feelings for her, but seeming it to just be wishful thinking, she did not act. The constant heart eyes between the two frustrated the rest of the team, so Pippin decided that they could... use a little push.

At Dinner, Merry sat himself down away from the group, munching on his rations alone. Until he heard footsteps behind him, and Pippin sat himself down on the same log as Merry. Merry seemed confused when Pippin set a hand on Merry's back.

"You like (Y/N), don't you?"

Merry's cheeks flared a deep red, and he couldn't seem to form words anymore. He tried to retort, but he couldn't seem to. Pippin chuckled at this.

Patting Merry on the back, Pippin scooted closer to his cousin.

"It's alright, lad, don't be shy! Come on, just tell her!" He urged.

"But she's a Princess!! She's royalty and I'm a dumb little Hobbit! How the hell would that even work?!" He yelled, praying nobody else heard him.

But someone did. He heard giggling behind him, turning around to see (Y/N) herself. She had heard everything.

"Well, I'll leave you to be..." Pippin said before slipping away coyly.

Merry's cheeks were a fervent red, and any word he tried to say came out as a choked noise. He was desperately embarrassed. (Y/N) sat himself down next to Merry on the log, taking his hand in hers. Her cheeks were red as well.

"Merry, I may be a Princess, but I don't care. I have feelings for you as well.... please don't let my status hold us back." She pleaded, love in her eyes, "Besides, I think you'd make a fine king!"

She ruffled Merry's hair, smiling to herself. The poor hobbit sat in shock for a bit, before pulling (Y/N) into a deep kiss.

The kiss was passionate and gentle, both pouring their neglected feelings into it. Merry could feel as (Y/N)'s stubble tickled his chin, but he didn't care. It was lovely. They soon pulled apart for air, and stared into one another's eyes for awhile. (Y/N) soon started to giggle, pulling Merry into her arms and swinging him around in joy. It felt so heavenly to be in one another's arms, and they never wanted to leave...

Until they heard clapping - they looked over to see a very grumpy Gimli and Pippin, smiling like an idiot and clapping. They both blushed a deep raspberry red, and pulled away awkwardly.

"Get a room..." Gimli huffed as he walked away.

Pippin gave a wink and thumb's up before walking away too.

Merry and (Y/N) exchanged a confused look, before giggling together once more. It didn't matter what anyone else thought, as long as they were together.

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