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I've seen some posts about if Bagginshield had a child, and it got me thinking - what would a ½ Dwarf and ½ Hobbit Hybrid be like? (especially inspired by the amazing art about Dwobbits by ​) So, that's what this post is about - I'll try and figure out what a so-called "Dwobbit" would be like.


Dwobbits would be quite short, of course. Probably taller than Hobbits but shorter than Dwarves, more of less. They'd also be a bit more muscular than most Hobbits, but a bit softer than most Dwarves, so they'd be a bit in between the two common body types of those races. And their ears would probably have slight points near the tips, but a rounder frame in general, reflecting both their Hobbit and Dwarven heritage. Dwobbits would probably retain the thick-skinned feet, so they could go barefoot a lot (depends on if they'd want to). The question for me is the hair - I think they'd have more body hair than Hobbits usually do considering their Dwarven genes, and of course to foot hair, but I'm wondering about the facial hair. I think they'd all have at least a little bit of stubble, with Girls not being able to grow as much as boys (based on their Hobbit-ness), but still retaining the ability to grow facial hair. And, of course, they'd dress similar to both Dwarves and Hobbits, and would probably braid their hair to reflect their Dwarf heritage. For clothing, I like the designs by the incredible ​, such as these pictures:

But yeah, I'd say that would be the general design.


Again, most likely a sort of mashup of Dwarf and Hobbit personalities. They'd be stubborn and strong like a Dwarf, yet friendly and sweet like a Hobbit. I feel like Dwobbits would appreciate simple luxuries like Hobbits, but would also be driven to thrilling adventures like Dwarves. And I feel like Hybrids would try and figure out their heritage, so Dwobbits might try and honor both their Hobbit and Dwarven roots, such as with similar braids, clothing and habits. Also, given that Dwarves and Hobbits are both known for lavish parties, I imagine Dwobbits would be quite fun to be around.

OtherAs for where they'd grow up, I'd say either on the Hobbit side or on the Dwarf side. Or maybe, since they're presumably being raised by both a Dwarf and Hobbit, who knows what type of culture they'd grow up in. Maybe their own culture?

I don't know, I like the idea of Dwobbits. I hope this all made sense, and that you liked it!

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