Dating Thranduil would include

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- From the moment he met you, he knew he wanted you to be his queen

- He treats you with the utmost respect, and will punish everyone else who does not

- Thranduil will buy you so many gifts, and absolutely shower you in love and affection

- *Cough* Sugar Daddy *Cough*

- Seriously, this guy cannot say no to you

- He builds a throne right next to his so you can sit beside him and help him make decisions

- Legolas is a bit cold towards you at first, but after a heartfelt talk with Thranduil and getting to know you, he slowly opens up towards you

- Though sometimes you may feel that you pale in comparison to the previous queen

- But Thranduil assures you that, while he loved his old wife, he loves you just as dearly

- Sometimes, on particularly bad days, Thranduil will hide himself away, and you're the only one who can pull him out of his own pain

- In moments like this, he just holds you quietly, pressing kisses to your forehead and cheeks

- It's comforting and sweet, but also a bit somber and still

- He enjoys resting his chin on your head, since you're almost certainly smaller than him

- You may have to stand on your tip-toes to kiss him, but he finds that positively adorable

- He finds you adorable in general, really

- He also enjoys burying his face in your hair

- Which he also loves to braid and run his fingers through

- It may take him awhile to fully open up to you, but once he does, he shares everything he needs to with you

- He takes you on romantic rides on his elk through the forest

- You two sit, cuddle and drink wine together all the time

- Thranduil tries to make sure you're comfortable with him, since he'd hate to see you nervous or upset

- If you weren't an Elf, he'd always ask if you were settling in well to Mirkwood

- And if someone said something rude about you, they'd be met with the King himself and he would not be happy

- His kisses are like feathers brushing against your lips, soft and gentle and always loving

- He always leaves you yearning for more, but in the absolute best way

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