Dating Merry Brandybuck would include

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- Dating Merry is always a fun experience

- He always tries to make you laugh, since it's one of the sweetest sounds to him

- So he's always making jokes to you, just to see your smile

- Merry would also probably spoil you a lot, taking you to the parties in the Shire and letting you share in his food and pipeweed

- He's also quite affectionate, pecking kisses to your cheeks and lips whenever he can

- And cuddles, of course! Especially if you're upset, he just loves to wrap his arms around you and rest his head on your shoulder

- And though not as easily flustered as , Merry can be quite flustered too sometimes, especially in the initial parts of your relationship

- But he also adores when you get flustered, so you two end up teasing one another quite a bit

- Merry's the kind of guy who tries to be smooth and charming, but ends up acting like a total dork instead

- He ends up using pretty cheesy pickup lines

- It's still charming, but in a more silly way

- You two have simultaneously the best and weirdest conversations

- Like, those kinds of conversations you have with your friends when you're tired and stupid. Yeah, those kinds of conversations

- And, of course, you grow very close to Pippin

- They'd invite you to take part in their shenanigans as well

- Or, at least you're the one who gets them out of trouble, which they very much appreciate

- And when Merry gets jealous, he tries to act tough, but ends up just seeming grumpy

- It may even get to a point where Merry seriously tells the offender to back off, and he is ready to fight if he has to

- He'll probably need a lot of cuddles afterwards

- Merry's also quite good at comforting people, so he'd gladly console you when you're upset

- He's a terrific boyfriend!

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