Merry x Wife! Reader

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Merry was nervous, standing at the front of the altar, though he tried his very best to still his nerves. His Fiance and Him had been planning this wedding for so long, and there was no way he was going to let his anxiety ruin this phenomenal moment. Though, he couldn't help but fiddle with his hands as he felt the eyes of the audience (and his friends) burn into him.

Yet, after what felt like an eternity of standing at the altar, he felt a sudden change of mood. Looking up, his cheeks flared into a bright shade of pink, and he couldn't help but stare in wonder.

There she was... The love of his life...His one and only... and she was perfect. The way she looked in that dress seemed to drive him mad, her perfection lulling him into a trance of endearment. To think, not too long ago, they were travelling across Middle Earth together - and now, she was his... forever.

A smile snuck onto his face when he looked at her, as she stepped up into the altar. As he stared at her perfect face, he noticed the same nervousness in her eyes as was in his. But as they looked into one another's eyes, and their hands held together, her eyes changed to an expression of appreciation and determination as she squeezed his hand tighter. He did the same. This was happening...

Then, it came time to say the vows.

"(Y/N), we have seen so much together - from the gardens of Hobbiton to the majesty of Gondor, we have traveled the land side by side. You have shown me so much of this world, and I am eternally grateful. But now, I wish that we can see together, not apart. I want to be by your side forever and always. I love you" Merry said.

His heart bloomed with happiness as a smile tugged at his love's lips as he said those magic words. And now, it was her turn.

"Merry, we have traveled the world together, and you've shown me so much of this life. Before you, I had barely known love, but now, it is the best feeling I have ever felt. Though we may have seen the world together, I wish to discover even more together... as your wife. I love you."

Merry had to bite back the tears which pricked his eyes. His heart flooded with warmth knowing that he had someone who would truly love him for the rest of his days. He was truly the luckiest man in the whole world...

Then, the man in the middle of the altar began to speak:

"Do you, Meriadoc Brandybuck, take (Y/N) as your beloved wife?"

"Yes." I replied without hesitation.

"And do you, (Y/N) (L/N), take Merry as your loving husband?"

Merry drew in a breath, hoping to any powers that may be that she wouldn't hesitate.


Merry exhaled in relief, before smiling.

"You may now kiss the bride..."

We both leaned forward, sharing a kiss which flowed with happiness, passion, and love. The crowd cheered as our love was confirmed...This was joy. This was our future. This was love. 

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