Cuddles by the Fire (Merry x Wife! Reader)

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Writer: tolkien-fantasy
Series: Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Merry x Reader
Summary: Domestic fluff with Merry and his Wife, having just put their children to sleep.

You smiled at your children, tucked safely in the beds and snoozing away after you had sang their favorite lullaby. Your heart warmed as you looked upon them, the children you had bore with the man you love. Life in the Shire was lovely, but your family was by far the greatest part. You and your husband, Merry Brandybuck, had bore two children - Ander, a two year old boy, and Milo, your one year old. You bent down gently, careful not to wake them, and pecked a kiss upon each child's head.

You got up off the bed, walking out of the room softly. You could hear the crackling of fire, and you walked into the living space to see your beloved husband pouring your drinks. Seeing you walk into the room, Merry smiled widely. He set the drinks down, walking over to you and pulling you into a comforting hug.

"I've put the children to bed." You smiled, kissing your husband affectionately.

"Good!" He replied, taking you gently by the hand and guiding you two a chair which sat before a cozy fire.

The chair was large, so you both sat down in it at once, wrapped in one another's arms and warmth. The moment was comforting and sweet, almost like a dream, so you both just sat in the silence and appreciated it. As you listened to the soft crackling of the fire, you looked at your husband. He was looked back at you, eyes full of love and appreciation as they gazed at you - his gaze seemed to sprout a bloom of warmth in your heart.

"I'm so lucky to have you." Merry whispered, leaning forward to kiss you softly.

You rested a tender hand on his cheek as your lips pillowed against one another gently, before pulling away reluctantly.

"And I with you, my darling."

You sat there in one another's arms, reminiscing on the moment. To think, just several years before, you were fighting on a quest with one another. You and Merry had been through so much, and yet, here you were - safe and comfortable. Many faces had come and gone, but through all of it, there was him. Your breath seemed caught in your throat as you reminisced on it all - the hardships and triumphs, your wedding, the birth of your children, and so much more. You had seen so much together, and it all took your breath away.

"Merry..." You managed to choke out, drawing his gaze to you, "I love you so much."

He wrapped his arms even tighter around you, resting his head in the crook of your neck as you cuddled together. He seemed to understand all your thoughts, considering he had been reminiscing as well.

"I love you too."

With warmth in your heart and tears pricking your eyes, you nestled into your husband, embracing the moment for all its worth. And there you stayed for the rest of the night - wrapped in one another's arms, your children sleeping in their own room, and in a moment of utter bliss. This was love.

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