Legolas trying to Court you would include

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He was a bit surprised when he fell in love with you, and it took some deciding before he was ready to start courting you
If you aren't an Elf, he'd have a bit of trouble courting you - he doesn't know the love rituals of other races, so he might have to ask Aragorn, Gimli or the Hobbits for advice (depending on your Race)
He tries his best to be Smooth
But he's actually a total dork
He compliments you a lot
He also tries to impress you with his skills, and he gets really protective of you in battle
He loves talking with you, so he tries to do it often
He offers to help you comb your hair and groom, as is custom for Elven Courting
But he may grow a bit frustrated with you not realizing his courting attempts
So he tries even harder
It amuses Thranduil & Gimli tbh
You probably realize it on your own, or when Aragorn tells you
You love him too
So, after a battle, you kiss him on the cheek when he turns out okay
He blushes so hard he looks like a cherry
Before he chuckles to himself
"I think I could get used to that"
Surprise, you're dating now

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