Comfort in Chaos

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Writer: @tolkien-fantasy​
Series: The Hobbit
Pairing: Kili x Reader
Summary: After barely managing to escape the hungry jaws of a Warg, (Y/N) finds herself being yelled at by Thorin. She happens to have a panic attack, and Kili rushes to her aid, not only comforting his crush but also managing to stand up to his uncle.

You were hurt, badly. The rampaging Warg had viciously slashed your form and left a bloody gash on your arm, which Oin desperately tended to. Though you managed to fend off the hungry beast, it'd left you badly injured, weak and bloodied as you lay on a cot away from the rest of the company. Though injured, beyond the small grove Oin had rested you in, you spotted a young Dwarf pacing nervously about the place. You so much as chuckled to yourself, and it seems Oin must've heard you, as he looked in the direction you were. He sighed to himself.

"He must be worried about you." The old Dwarf huffed.

"Yeah..." You smiled, slowly regaining your strength after the mixture of herbs Oin had given you started to take effect.

And Oin was right - Kili was worried. Desperately worried. After all, he was the one you had injured yourself trying to protect.

"You didn't have to do that, you know."

You looked to Oin, confusion etched on your face, before looking away slightly. You probably didn't need to - after all, Kili can certainly handle himself. But something about seeing the fear in his eyes drove you to action. You've always had a soft-spot for the cheeky Dwarf, and if protecting him meant risking your life, then that was just a price you'd have to take. Oin tightened the last bandage on your arm, before getting up.

"That should do for now." He extended a hand, "Here, let's help you up."

Standing up was difficult with how much pain you were in, and even once you were on your own two feet, you kept your arm around Oin for support. He carefully walked you out of the grove, and back into camp.

Upon seeing your bandaged and weak form, the Company couldn't help but be struck with worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Ya need anything, lass?"

"Do you need help walking?"

They all asked, crowding around you and Oin.

"She's fine, lads!" Oin barked, "Just a little roughed up, that's all."

"I'll be fine, guys. Don't worry." You smiled, chuckling lightly.

They all seemed relieved, backing off a little and returning to their duties. Off to the side, you noticed Kili walking up to you. He stared at you for a bit, taking in the damages you received protecting him. You swear you noticed tears forming in his eyes before he pulled you into a firm yet gentle hug. No words were spoken, but the raw emotion was there - you could feel all his thanks and worry pouring over you in his embrace, and you rubbed his back gently and soothingly.

You could've stayed like that for the rest of your days, if Thorin hadn't approached you soon. You gulped - from the looks of it, he wasn't happy.

"You mean to tell me... that you tried to single-handedly fight a Warg, without even attempting to call for help?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, "You have done many foolish things, (Y/N), but this must be your stupidest move yet."

You began to shake. Wracked with pain and now guilt, being yelled at was driving you to panic. White-hot shame flooded over you, and your breathing hitched.

Thorin continued to question your actions, his voice getting louder with every word - he was practically yelling at you by now. His voice boomed like a clap of thunder, and you shook more. Breath was caught in your throat, and no matter how hard you tried, you could not manage a single breath. The tears began to fall when you winced at his voice. You were shaking violently by now.

Kili, who still stood nearby, watched his uncle yell at you. Anger bubbled up inside of him, and as soon as tears fell down your cheeks, he'd had enough.

"Uncle, that's enough!" Kili stepped in front of you, between you shaking form and his beloved Uncle.

Thorin stopped in his tracks, standing tall and looked very surprised at his nephew. Kili's face was turned downward, brow turned downward and mouth gritted - the King had never seen his nephew so angry before. Kili's hand was raised, as if to hold Thorin back from the young girl.

Kili soon turned back to (Y/N), his heart shattering in two when he saw her mid-panic. She seemed to have curled in on herself, tears streaming down her face and entire body shaking. She only seemed to draw in quick, shallow breaths. Kili tried to place a hand on her back to still her shaking form, but she shied away from him, seemingly unable to meet his eye. The sorrowful prince wrapped his arms around (Y/N), leading her back to the grove, but not before glaring back at Thorin for a second.

Though he kept himself composed, Thorin felt guilt creeping up on him. Yet, he decided to give the two some space. So, the King went to a nearby rock and brooded for awhile.

Kili sat you down at the base of a large Oak Tree, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight as you cried into his chest. Each sob seemed to break his heart more, and he sadly rested his chin on the top of your head, shushing you and mumbling sweet words of encouragement.

As your sobs slowly stilled into sniffles, Kili looked down at you, yet you could still not bare to meet his eye. So, the Dwarf Prince leaned his head down and pecked a kiss on your forehead.

You looked up to him, surprised, and seeing a light blush dusting his cheeks. Yet, he just cracked a smile at you. Seeing his cute dopey smile made you smile yourself, your panic attack slowly subsiding, and you giggled, nuzzling further into his chest.

"Why are you giggling?" Kili chuckled.

"I knew it!" You giggled more, "I knew you liked me!"

Kili blushed, smiling nervously, praying to any beings there may be that you returned his feelings. Seeing his nervousness, you smiled yourself, before leaning up to peck a kiss to his cheek.

It was Kili's turn to be surprised, but his shocked face soon grew into a large smile, and he held you even tighter to him, and began pressing kisses all across your face and hair in joy. Giggling, you wrapped your arms around him, any sense of pain you had fading away with his affection. Though the kisses subsided, you stayed in one another's arms for a good while. Soon, you and Kili perked up at a strange rustle in some nearby bushes.

Someone walked out of the brush - it was Thorin. Kili clung tighter to you, but Thorin looked at you with guilt in his eyes.

"I see you've calmed down.." He sighed, "I wanted to apologize. I was scared for you, (Y/N). It pains me to see you so hurt, and I hope you won't put yourself in danger like that again..."

A thick silence hung in the air, but you simply smiled at Thorin.

"It's okay, I understand. I'll try not to worry you so much again."

Thorin seemed a little shocked at first, but he soon smiled charmingly at your forgiveness. He began to walk back towards the camp, but before he left completely, he turned slightly back to both you and Kili.

"Oh, and by the way... you have my blessing." He chuckled.

Then he stepped back into the brush, leaving you in Kili shocked in one another's arms. You simply couldn't help the smile that spread across your face, and neither could Kili for that matter. Turning towards each other, Kili caressed your cheek with his fingers, before leaning in for a kiss. Your lips pressed against one another in a passionate and loving kiss, all the pent-up emotions rushing into it. When you pulled away, Kili covered you in his coat, and you fell asleep in one another's arms. It was lovely...

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