Insecurity (Frodo x Reader)

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Writer: tolkien-fantasy
Series: Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Frodo x Reader
Summary: Frodo falls in love with a tall-ish human magic-user, and he becomes insecure about his height because he feels like he can't protect her.

The Fellowship had finally settled down for the night - laying down their cots in the grassy grove and sitting down to cook some food. These were one of the few peaceful moments during the journey, and you enjoyed it fully. You sat back after setting up your blanket, enjoying the smell of the food Sam was cooking in the small pot he carried. As it was still being prepared, that left you with your thoughts - you had noticed Frodo being oddly distant lately, and it was beginning to worry you. You were too nervous to say something, but that didn't stop you from wanting an answer.

However, you were snapped out of your thoughts when Boromir called you to dinner. You walked over and got your food, but before you sat down at your own cot, you noticed Frodo walking over to Legolas and sitting down to eat with him. Utterly curious, you hesitantly walked closer to them, sitting down behind a tree to listen to them. You felt guilty, but you needed to know what was wrong. Frodo meant so much to you, and you needed to know he was doing okay.

"So, what's bothering you Frodo?" Legolas asked.

"Well... I guess I've been feeling a bit insecure... about my height." He hesitantly explained, "I mean, back in the Shire, everyone was around my size, so there was no reason to feel unsure about it. But now, everyone is taller than me!"

'Oh, so that's it?' You thought to yourself, 'seems simple enough.'

"And I've been really worried about (Y/N) especially..." Frodo admitted.

'Wait what?' You panicked slightly, hoping you didn't do anything offensive to him. Worry raced through your mind, until he continued talking.

"To be honest with you, Legolas, I really like her. But she's so much taller than me! It makes me feel like I can't protect her, and I feel weak next to her - not to mention her magic! I just wish I could be as great as she is...."

You were so shocked, you swear you stopped breathing. Your cheeks flushed red, surprised at his words. Now that you knew of his feelings, you looked back to realize that it all seemed so clear - how did you notice his love for you? You shifted slightly, and Legolas must have picked up on your presence because of it.

"Well, I suppose you should tell her yourself, then?"

He stood up before Frodo could question him. He walked past the tree you were behind, giving you a thumb's up and gesturing towards the young Hobbit. Getting the hint, you stood and stepped out to see Frodo looking at your, flustered shock written all over his face. He attempted to sputter out an apology, but you cut him off.

"Frodo, I am so honored." You said, sitting next to him and resting a hand on his shoulder, "And I must admit, I am quite fond of you as well. But you must know that you do protect me! You keep me grounded and happy, and I'm sure that if I was in serious trouble, I could surely count on you."

You chuckled at Frodo's bright blush and agape mouth. You leaned forward, pressing your soft lips to his, and he soon returned the gesture. You both enjoyed the kiss for awhile, before pulling apart.

"Good night, Frodo." You smiled, before getting up and walking away.

Frodo sat there in disbelief for a bit, before hearing Legolas and Aragorn chuckling at him. He stood up, brushed himself off, and rushed after you. This was going to be a very strange night...

Tolkien Imagines & Fanfics (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora