Chapter 11 Stupid Mistakes

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I knew what I did was wrong to let myself get involved in that kind of situation to let myself fall for Javier's stupid mind tricks but it was the way to get over Erik. I didn't want to fall for him only God knows I hate mutts they stink, they're possessive, arrogant, and many many other things. Erik even if I wanted him to be different it wouldn't be they're all the same, we couldn't just not be together because of that we were also natural enemies. I knew I was his mate but lets get real he'll be much happier with that bitch in his pack. What was her name? Sophia? Something like that. I was still on the run, running away from my feelings I would be fine as long as I didn't come to this town for at l another couple hundred years. Erik would be gone by then in the ground or what ever it was mutts did to the deceased I'm sure Javier wouldn't be around for a least for a while he always jumped around from town to town I never saw him. Honestly it wasn't his style to show up without a purpose he always showed up when he wanted something. He was one of those stupid mistakes you make  you wish you could go back in time and fix.


Once I awoke as a vampire I had to flee the thirst of when you first awake is the worst the thirst is the constant reminder that you are longer the person you once were no matter how much you try and fight it you can't. My first kill was the best I had no guidance Javier had done a change and ditch I woke up and he was gone, all I had gotten was a take care card nothing else all it literally said take care. My first kill had been a random guy at the bar the thirst was greatly diminished by alcohol. That was my first night out in the streets after my week of denial I just wanted to drink. I dressed in a tight black skirt and a blood red business shirt I looked classy I put my hair up in a bun. I needed to drink if I didn't I would kill someone literally. As I walked out into the dark night I stood near the road waiting for the taxi. I waited for 3 minutes before the taxi came. I told him to take me to a bar a nice bar. When I walked into the bar people turned to stare I was in major tequila sunrise, when I asked the bartender to serve me one he gave me one. As I was drinking my tequila sunrise in peace when one of the waitresses came and brought me a drink.

" Hey excuse me where did this come from?" I asked

" The man over there in the back sent this over for you" she told me smiling

" Listen to me one time and one time only I don't take drinks from other I buy my own drinks alright" I told her

" I'm sorry I was just doing my job" she told me

" It's fine just leave" I told her she walked away as fast as she could and I really couldn't blame her. As I finished my tequila sun rise I saw a man walking towards me,

" Hey pretty lady you sent back my drink" he said

" Yeah I did I don't need your drink" I told him turning around

" Are  you taken? Are you waiting for someone?" he asked stunned at the fact that I'm blowing him off

" Does it really matter I'm obviously not here for you so if you please" I said turning away from him. By my 3rd tequila sunrise I was ready to leave the thirst was some what suppressed. As I walked out he walked out with me.

" What do you want?" I turned around and looked at him

" You" he said pulling me into the ally. He started to kiss my neck my face was so close to my face my fangs started to come out I just bit into his neck and drank him dry I left him on the floor as I walked away nothing in my life had tasted so sweet until the moment I had tasted Eriks lips.

Authors Note: sorry for not updating in a while I tried to make it long this story is no longer on hold yaaaaay ^-^ sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors like always





gracias amores (thanks loves)

Don't mess with what's mineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora