Sweeter than Sweet

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Nothing compared to the delicious blood Erik watched me as I drank from my incredibly attractive blood bag his hair was as black as night and his eyes were the lightest green I had ever seen they were a beautiful contrast together and they made him look gorgeous.

" I think this is the most attractive thing I've ever seen but I'm kind of jealous my wolf doesn't like seeing you like this" Erik said smiling

" Oh Erik jealousy is not an attractive quality" I said smiling at him and I drank more until the guy feel to the floor

" Oops I think I may have drank to much" I smiled bending down to check his pulse and he was fine a little weak but he would be fine after a long rest and maybe when he woke up some food.

" Let's go before anyone else notices" Erik said

" Are you scared?" I said giggling

" No I just don't want anything to happen to you" He said trying to pull me close enough so that he could hug me

" I'm not a baby you know I can handle my own" I said bringing my arms up to hug him close to me. If I had a limited time with him I would enjoy it then I would have those memories, and no one can take those memories away not time nor death.

" Well then rescue me and take me away far away where we can be together" I said kissing his lips. As he kissed me back everything felt like the last everything was in place his hands went straight to my waist and pulled me closer my hands went to my neck. The overwhelming need to have him close to me won I tugged on his hair as if to push his face towards mine some more as I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He seemed surprised by my sudden urge to be near him. I needed him not just his body but his soul the mere thought of loosing him broke me but I needed to protect him from myself. I'm not the kind of girl who did relationships I run from commitment I can't be tied down. The kiss got more heated and I pulled his shirt off.

" Lets go somewhere more private" He said putting me down.

" Lets and lets hurry I need you" I told him pulling him towards me again the sweetest taste of his lips it was the sweetest thing I had ever tasted. No sweeter fruit has existed on this planet. His taste alone drove my senses wild the feeling of full of lust and love. The bond we share will never be just a mere memory. As we walked out of the ally we had been standing in he grabbed my hand and ran into streets to find the nearest hotel. We reached a giant hotel with flashing lights that said Motel 6 it looked nice and descent we walked into the main office

" One room please" I told the man

" It will be $100 the night" The man said

" We'll pay just give us the key" Erik growled.

The man didn't hesitate from there Erik gave him the money grabbed the key and we walked down the hall to room 15. It didn't take Erik long to grab me and kiss me and I didn't push him away he was exactly what I needed even if it were for a short period of time. I needed him. He pushed me onto the bed and kissed me I took his shirt off and we made love like never before. Never had anyone been so sweet and caring yet aggressive at the same time I didn't feel like I could ever get enough of him.


I was up before he was, before the sun was up and as I lay next to him I was second guessing if I should leave or not even as he lay there asleep he looked more beautiful than ever his hair tossed against the pillow the blanket only up to his hip bone he was pure perfection in my eyes the mere sight of him made me blush. Yet I had decided to leave what if I didn't leave today what could be the worst thing that could happen? I just needed a little more time with him I was aloud to be selfish right  I had the right to be happy even if it was for a couple more days or maybe weeks but no more than a month. He was to great to be stuck with dead weight like me I'm not a wolf nor am I human I'm not meant to lead a pack and I wish he would realize it sooner than later so we could spare ourselves the heart break. I got up and put only his over sized shirt on and walked to the window to watch the sun rise it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen and as I turned around to look at Erik that the only reason that the sun was so beautiful was because it was the first time I had felt this great waking up to someone.

A/N: Not exactly my best chapter but hey I gave it a shot if I can I will update again tomorrow sorry for the spelling and gramar errors be safe and have a great weekend




-enjoy gracias amores

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