Chapter 23 Melody

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Having him fight for me was it really what I wanted my insides started to burn. Burning a burning sensation it wasn't a pleasent one the pain became so unbearable I dropped to my knees I held on to my stomach for dear life. I'm a vampire for fucks sake what the hells going on? Everything around me seemed to stop before I could control it I felt something warm come out of my mouth I put my hand up and I looked at it. The liquid was red it was blood... my blood? The normally delicious smelling liquid smelled horrible it tasted even worse like rust my body couldn't take any more of it. I looked up and saw Erik I couldn't hear what he was saying but I saw the tears running down his face

" Don't cry" I told him before everything turned black

Erik's P.o.v

I didn't understand what the hell was going on she just lay there I didn't know if she was fine

" Lupe go find the pack doctor now" I yelled I saw Angel getting closer I couldn't let him take her away no one would ever take her away she would be with me forever.

" Let her go" Angel said trying to pull her body away from mine

" Let her go or I will rip your god damn hands off her she's fine and you'll never take her away from me do you understand" I growled very lowly but I knew he heard because he stepped off the pack doctor Rey came running towards me and took her away from me and went into my house so he could check her out and see if everything was alright. As I started walking towards the room where they had her Sophia walked in from of me and grabbed my face between her hands.

" Baby you don't have to go I'm all you need I'm all you'll ever need we're going to have a baby together remember" She grabbed my hand and put it over her stomach. I felt horrible but I didn't want her or that baby. I knew everyone was supposed to be happy but I wasn't I wouldn't leave that baby to fend for itself but she would never be what my heart wanted or my pack needed I just want Bere and if I had to leave my pack and make some one was worth being the next Alpha than I would this pack deserved better than a shitty Alpha like me I couldn't even keep my Luna happy. I pulled my hands away from her

" I've told you this once and I'll tell you again I don't want you Sophia just leave I don't have the energy to put up with your crap" I said slightly pushing her out of the way so I could go see her the only thing that really mattered to me

" SHE'S A WHORE WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME!" She yelled at me I knew she was just being hormonal but I couldn't let her talk about my mate like that I walked up to her and grabbed her by the neck and brought her up to my eye level which was a long way up for her 5'0 even frame

" Listen Sophia she's my mate and I'll kill for her so watch what you say to her or about her" I said letting her go. She just cried and ran away I felt bad but Bere was all I need. I walked into our room and I saw her laying there Rey was there and so was Angel.

" Alpha Angel the Luna needs to fell her mate near her" Rey said I knew he was just trying to prevent a fight but I knew she needed me as much as I needed her. I grabbed her hand that was colder than usual

" What's wrong with her Rey?" I asked him

" She seems to be pregnant and her body doesn't seem compatible with the baby" Rey told me waiting for me to react but I couldn't. She was pregnant with my baby with my pup

" Find a way I need her to live I need her" I told him kissing her hand

" The only way I can find is to take the pup out" Rey told me I couldn't believe it

" How long does she have to live if we don't take the pup out?" I asked him

" From the amount of blood she lost and the fact that we can't get any more blood into her I would say a week's time tops" Rey looked at me

" Can I be alone with her and my pup before you do it" I told them both with tears in my eyes. I would loose my pup with her the one thing I had ever wanted and I would loose it. I grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up enough to see her tummy

" Listen to me baby every thing is going to be alright daddy will always love I just need you stay strong in there for me okay I know you can champ just know that one day mommy and daddy will find you again and we'll be a family" I said kissing her tummy

" Don't let them take my baby Erik" Bere said looking into her eyes full of tears

" I won't loose you Bere I can't" I told her kissing her and she responded I kept my hand on her stomach. Our baby our little pup wouldn't make it but if I couldn't have it then I wanted her at least we would make it through this together we could move past this but I couldn't let her and the pup die I couldn't.

" I wanted to have your baby if I can't then let me die" She said with tears in her eyes

" Go to sleep baby I'll be with you here" I told her kissing her forehead

" Can you please lay with me I don't want to sleep alone" She said crying

" I will" She smiled I got up and got into bed with her and pulled her close before I knew it I fell asleep with her.

" Wake up my son I have brought you to me" I heard a voice I tried to open my eyes but the light was to bright here and it made my eyes burn

" I can't see a thing it's to bright" I told the voice

" Listen to the sound of my voice and follow it" I did as she told me when I reached the sound of my voice I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful lady standing before me.

" Listen my child do you want to save your mate and your pup?" The lady asked

" Yes of course I do" I got down on my knees and bowed my head in submission to show her that I was willing to do anything

" Get up my son I will give you the solution with the promise that you will name that baby Melody" The lady told me

" So the baby is a girl" I said with tears in my eyes. The lady nodded and I didn't know that so much joy was possible but it was

" Do we have a deal or not?" She asked me

" Yes" I said

" All you have to do is Mark her then she will no longer be a vampire she will be your werewolf mate" The lady said could this be real. Bere would not only live with me but she would become a true Luna my true Luna.

" Thank you...." I was going to say her name but I didn't even know it

" Moon goddess my son go forth and help your mate and remember Melody" She said and a gentle breeze blew and when I opened my eyes again. Bere was in my arms I shook her slightly and her eyes opened.

" I spoke to the moon goddess I can save you both if you let me" I told her hugging her close

" What is it?" She told me her big hazel eyes looking into my soul

" I have to mark you and you will no longer be a vampire you will be my Luna my werewolf mate" I told her and her eyes became wide

Bere's P.o.v

I knew this was the only way and it was what I wished for this way we could both live and die together would wouldn't live for eternity but a love filled life with him and our children would feel like an eternity

" Do it" I told him and kissed him his lips neared my neck and I moved my hair to give him better access to it before I knew it he bit me.

A/N thanks everyone I hope this chapter makes up for the last one sorry for the spelling and grammar errors




-enjoy love you guys

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