.Chapter 25 We Belong Together

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 song: We Belong Together

What do you mean your the father?" I asked confused

" The moon goddess came to me a couple months ago and told me that I was the father I told Sophia and she told me not to tell anyone, I came here today to tell her that I couldn't take it anymore I want my child with me and not to be raised by anyone else than me" Travis said bowing his head

" Sophia for lying to the Alpha and the Luna you are no banished from this pack pick up your things and leave you have an hour to leave if you choose to go with her you may suffer the same punishment Travis" Erik said kissing my forehead. I wanted to jump with joy but I couldn't I walked away not wanting to hear any more of their conversation I took the bags and walked into my room, as I sat on the bed I rubbed my tummy

" Melody everything is going to work out the mean ol lady wont be here to yell at you and you'll just be here with mommy and daddy and uncle Angel when he comes around and Lupe she'll be here and help out and every ones going to love you. You'll have your fathers dark hair and my hazel eyes" I just smiled.

" Baby" I looked up and saw Erik standing near the door

" Yes babe?" I smiled

" Go to sleep she'll be gone soon enough and then it will just be the three of us you, Melody and I" He told me kissing my forehead. My heart felt light this was what life had been saving for me the light at the end of the tunnel my happily ever after but it wasn't over just yet Angel was still the missing piece to my happily ever after if he was happy then I knew I would be happy.

" Can you call in Lupe and tell her to come here for a minute please" I told him as I pulled up the blanket on the bed I saw him space out I guess he was mid linking Lupe. A couple of minutes later she walked in she was beautiful her light brown eyes were amazing her dark brown hair that was up to her waist was to die for over all she was beautiful but she never let her beauty show she was always in baggy clothes to cover up her curves and I wanted her to be beautiful and let her beauty shine.

" Lupe I need to ask you for a favor" I smiled at her patting the space next to me on my bed

"Anything for you Luna" She answered

" I need you to go Angel's pack and talk to him I need you to give him a note on my behalf but when you do me this favor I want you to be the most beautiful she wolf on the planet so we are going to go shopping and give you a make over" I told her. Erik just stood there shocked as ever

" What kind of message is Lupe going to send" He asked with a concerned look on his face

" An apology but not just that but I want him to be happy I want him to be our friend maybe not now but eventually I want to be able to talk to him to thank him for the times he let me stay there how even if he wanted me to be by his side he let me go of my own free I want to repay him I want him to feel free and as happy as I feel with you" I said getting up and walking to his side and kissing him

" Why Lupe I can get someone else to do it?" He asked concerned I got that she was a she wolf and he was scared for his pack members

" First of all I don't trust any one more than I trust Lupe I know that she won't let me down and Second of all he won't hurt her she'll be the only one female besides myself that's been there" I told him " Now Lupe will you choose to accept this mission as it's been handed to you" I said very seriously but I had a giant grin on my face.

" I accept" Lupe said laughing as she got off my bed

" Now let me work my magic on my beloved mate so he'll give me some money to buy you all the close you need my darling" I told her

" Yes Luna" She bowed her head and walked out of the room

" Now explain to me why I'm sponsoring this shopping trip" Erik groaned

" Because you love me and if you make happy then I promise I'll make you happy later on" I said winking at him

" Oh a very naughty Luna well I like that" Erik said giving me his wallet

" Thanks babe I promise I'll make it up to you later and when I get home have my Chinese food warm please" I said kissing him

" Yeah, yeah this how it always starts" He complained

" Shut up or no sex and I already have your wallet so I can make that happen" I laughed

" Hey no fair you already promised" He pouted

" You're so cute when you pout" I told him kissing him and then I walked out.

" Let's go Lupe and leave cranky old Alpha by himself to think about what he's done" I laughed. When we got into the car I laughed this was the first time in forever where ever thing seemed like it was falling into place. When we reached the mall I went straight to Macy's

" Luna what are we doing here?" Lupe asked

" We are going to make you look like the lady you are" I smiled we walked into the woman's department. We bought here a couple of black dresses each was different one was long sleeved with an open back one had a sweetheart neck line the other had a bow in the back and other was just a simple short sleeve simple black dress. We bought her a bunch of skirts and then professional looking shirts, we bought her a white dress I wanted her to wear when she went to see Angel she looked so beautiful. Then we went to Mac and bought her some make up eye liner top and bottom some eye shadows and some lip sticks all red they would go so beautiful with her light complexion, I had one last stop before we went home Victoria Secret I wanted to get her some lotion and a body spray and some nice lingerie for my very delectable mate at home who was waiting for the special surprise I had waiting for him. When we got home he was watching Chucky I didn't know how he could watch it I wouldn't go near any scary movies,

" I'm home and hungry baby" I yelled out

" Did you have fun spending all my money" He laughed

" Yes thank you baby" I walked towards him " I bought some very sexy lingerie as a present for letting me spend all your money" I said whispering in his ear

" Well if this what I get then I should let you spend all my money more often" He said pulling me in closer

" Come back tomorrow and I will do your make up and stuff so you can give Angel the letter" I said letting go of Erik and hugging Lupe she was the best.

When Lupe left I got my bag of Victoria Secret

" I'll be waiting up stairs handsome" I said walking towards the room this was going to be our night.

Next Morning

" Wake up baby Lupe's here" Erik said when I got up I looked like a hot mess it took me 20 minutes to write his letter not because of the length because I couldn't find the right words to say,

Angel I know you must hate me and I deserve your hate and I understand the pain you must be going through but I want you to be happy and if you need help I want you to be able to call me and talk about it I want us to be friends even if we weren't meant to be together I want to be in each others lives Sophia was banned from the pack she was sleeping with Travis and the babies his Lupe is my best friend so make her feel as home as you made me feel please take care lots of kisses Melody, Bere and Erik.

When Lupe got here I curled her hair at the tips and did her top eye liner and she wore the pretty white dress she drove her small car out and I wished her the best of luck to my best friend and the man who needed a best friend. In my heart I secretly wished he would fall in love with her she was better for him than Sophia and better than me.

A/n two updates one night





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