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|Wednesday, July 16th, 2014|

Shelby: KAELYN!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S LUKE'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Me: IK!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!! HE IS 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shelby: MHM!!!!!!!!!

I went on Facebook, and saw that so many people had already said happy birthday to him. He had just posted saying 'Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes :D - luke xx'. I commented (along with many others) 'Happy Birthday Luke!! <3<3'


I sighed as I got in our van. We were leaving the last part of our three part vacation. First, we went to Hilton Head. Then we went to Kentucky to visit my dad's dad and stepmom (and a few cousins). We are now leaving West Virginia, were we visited my aunt and cousins. It is an almost 14 hour drive back to Massachusetts, where Shelby and I live.


A/N: Yay I was able to update!! So right now it's Luke's birthday and Kaelyn is heading back home, nothing too exciting. I have school tomorrow so goodnight!! <3

It Started On A Weekend In May-Luke Hemmings {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now