Chapter 8 - The Worst Night

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Dedicated to OliviaTuckett  Love you <3


We ended up going to a large shopping centre and looking at clothes. Gay people are excellent for opinions.

"No, that makes you look fat." Nat tells me.

"Nat!" I cry, slapping his shoulder. "Girls don't want to hear that!"

"Well lucky i'm gay then." He says, handing me another dress and pushing me back into the dressing rooms. I tug the neon pink dress off and replace it with a short black dress, with one long sleeve and one without. Cute! I slip out of the rooms and walk back out to Nat with my hands on my hips. Strike a pose! I do a small turn and look back at him.

"Yes!" He all but screams, grabbing my waist and turning me around.

"Doesn't make me look fat?" I ask blankly.

"The other one didn't either, I just hate pink." He says, wrinkling his nose.

"How can you hate pink?"

"I don't know." He shrugs and turns me around and I walk back into the dressing room and put my clothes back on. I grab the black dress and walk out, leaving my other dresses in a neat pile on the service counter. I'm not putting the clothes away, that's what they get paid for. Nat puts a hand on my waist as we walk to the counter. I pull out my wallet and hand the dress to the lady working, giving her a small smile.

"That's pretty." She says, folding it into a small bag.

"Yeah, it is." I mumble shyly, handing her some money. "Thanks." I say nodding before grabbing the bag and leaving the store.

"Drinks?" Nat asks me excitedly, taking his hand off my waist and running it through his hair.

"Okay." I sigh and he fist pumps the air. "But we can't get too drunk!"

"What? Why?" He asks, pouting.

"Because, I don't know anyone or anywhere!"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Well, if you get drunk I won't know where to go." I explain.

"Live a little." He replies, smacking me on the ass.

"Stop!" I say, swatting his arm. He gives me an inncoent look and folds his hands behind him. I follow him down the street and find his car, we both get in and I throw my bag in the backseat.

"I know this awesome bar a few streets away." He tells me, pulling out onto the busy road.

"A gay bar?" I joke.

"No." He says flatly.

"Hot guys?" I ask, making him smile.

"I never!" He crys. "I'm your boyfriend!"

"Oh yeah." I tease, giving him a wink.

"Won't Everett be mad if you bring a guy home?"

"No, why would he?"

"Well he obviously likes you."

"Well I obviously don't care." I retort.

"Well you should. He's hot."

"Why don't you ask him out then!" I snap, sick of this conversation already.

"Why don't you!" He mocks me.

"He's my boss."

"So? Offices are sexy!" He says with a wink.

"No, okay just drop it." I say, turning up the radio and drowning out his protests. We drive for about ten minutes with nothing but the radio on before Nat pulls into a bar car park. We both hop out and Nat walks over to my side, slinging his arm over my shoulders. I can hear the loud pounding music from the bar as we approach. Nat holds the door open for me and I walk in, soon followed by him. The massive room was lite with lights and the smell of strong alcohol. Their was a massive dance floor in the centre of the room and a bar off to the side. The place was packed and it was only 6 o'clock.

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