Chapter 25 - Goodbye

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I wake in the morning on top of a very hard pillow, I wiggle my head to get comfortable but it doesn't seem to budge. Since when do I sleep on rocks? I crack my eyes open and look down, why the hell does my pillow have a nipple? I lift my head up and see a sleeping Everett, underneath my naked body. The images of last night flash back to the front of my mind, every touch and every act of love made last night the best night of my life.

"Morning horny monkey." I snap my head back up and look at Everett, his messy sex hair would have to be the most sexiest thing I have ever seen.

"Morning." I yawn, rolling my body so i'm now laying flat on top of him. His hands go to the small of my back, massaging my skin gently. I lift my lips to his and kiss him, feeling an overheated passion that makes me want to relive what happened last night right now! I pull away before that actually happens, I don't think I have the strength in me right at this moment. I feel myself getting rolled over and Everett hovers over me for a moment, pressing himself against me before rolling out of bed. Tease! He grabs his boxers from the floor and slips them on, covering himself up. He smirks at me before shaking his head and walking towards the door.

"What was that head shake about?" I ask, making him stop at the door and turn around.

"I was just thinking.." He smirks again, leaning against the doorframe.

"Thinking..?" I prompt, looking him up and down.

"That i'm so hooked on you it's ruining my player image." He runs a hand through his sexy hair, winking at me teasingly.

"Good, I don't do players."

"You did last night." He laughs and I throw a pillow at him, narrowly missing his head.

"You threw yourself at me when we first met, I had to do something to get you off my back." I tease, biting my lip.

"You ran into me if i'm not mistaken." The image of our first meeting pops into my head, I smile to myself.

"Yeah, little did I know I was running into the player." I kick my feet out of bed and skip over to his drawer, pulling out one of his shirts and slipping it over my naked body.

"You ran at me with open arms, don't complain." He growls, gripping the edge of the shirt and pulling me closer.

"Does it look like i'm complaining, player?" I run my hand up his chest and stop when I reach his chin, squeezing his cheeks so he now looks like Theodore from Alvin and the chipmunks. He grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away, shaking his head with a small smile playing on his lips. He turns around and walks into the bathroom, leaving me by myself for a little while. My mind wanders to my mum, now that Everett isn't here to distract me I can't stop what I think about. I know she would be happy with me, she always wanted me to find someone. Suddenly the thing that has been eating away at me for the last 24 hours comes to my mind front. How the helicopter do I tell Everett that i'm leaving for Australia? Tomorrow?!

"What's wrong?" I look up at Everett, he can sense something is wrong.

"I need to talk to you." I say, running a hand through my tumbleweed hair.

"What about? Are you pregnant? Cause i'm quite sure I used protection!" His eyes drift down to my stomach, they widen slightly. "Oh god, Callie! I'm not ready to be a father yet!" I almost smile at his behaviour, he's freaking out for no reason.

"Everett!" I snap, making him look at me. "You're not going to be a daddy!" He breathes a sigh of relief, strolling over to me and grabbing my waist.

"Can I get dressed first? How about you make breakfast and then we'll talk?" I smile up at him and he kisses my cheek, nodding at me before heading out into the kitchen. I walk swiftly into my room and pull open my top drawer, grabbing the first dress I see. I slip on my light blue sundress and brush through my hair before walking into the bathroom, I brush my teeth and splash cool water over my face, waking myself up a little bit. I take a few deep breaths and finally get myself ready to talk to Everett. I walk into the kitchen and can't help but smile at the plate of pancakes on the counter with the word 'sex' spelt out with syrup like he had done once before.

Running into the playerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن