Chapter 29 - Batman

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Sometimes you have those days. Days where you wish you can just curl up in a ball and hide. Forgetting everyone and everything around you until something good actually happens. Lets face it, you can't do that. You have to stand up and face the challenges you wish so hard would get stabbed and die, because you know deep down you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you didn't do it.

This is why i'm standing in front of at least 100 people, trying my best not to cry out the whole pacific ocean. If I did cry, sea creatures would probably show up claiming that they had found a new home. I clear my throat, holding the piece of paper I had spent three hours writing on last night.

"My mother was a great woman. When my father died she was my everything, a mother and a father to me and Stephen." I look over to him, tears streaming down his pale face. "It's hard to think she's really gone. She was my best friend, someone I could share everything with. Someone I could trust and know my secret would never get out. Someone I could love and know that she would never ever break my heart." I wipe a stray tear from my cheek, feeling my stomach tighten.

"Everyone who knew my mum automatically loved her, no exceptions. S-She was a kind-hearted, trustworthy, caring, loving and beautiful mother, friend and wife." I sniff and wipe away more tears. I try to continue but it feels as if my throat has closed off, allowing nothing to come out.

Only choked sobs escape from me, tears blurring my vision as I stand in front of everyone.

A pair of familiar hands grip my shoulders and guide me to a seat, pulling me down next to them. The same pair of hands hug me to them and I know it's Bree.

My speech is continued by Steph. His voice is shaky from his crying. Everyone sits in silence and listens to my speech, a few muffled cries are the only other noise besides Steph's voice.

"And she will always be my role model. My best friend. My mother." He reads my last sentence, tears flowing down his face as he comes and sits on my right. I immediantly grab his hand. I feel his pain. That's our mother. He's my brother, my family.

The rest of the service goes quickly. I barely hear a word anyone is saying. When I hear 'Never let me go' playing I fully wake up, coming out of my trance. My mum said she wanted this song played when she died, it was her favourite. I watch absentmindedly as everyone around me stands up and moves out of the room.

* *

"I'm so sorry about your mother, Callie."

"Are you okay?"

"You're a strong girl, you'll get through this."

"I'm here for you, we're family."

If someone says one of these lines one more time I will snap their neck. I know, I know. They're trying to be nice, right?

Everyone has migrated to the local restaurant for a family gathering, or so it seems. I can't seem to keep my eyes off of my mad great uncle or something who is dancing on top of a table. Even at a funeral my family is mad.

"Callie! You have grown my dear!" He jumps off the table top and struts over to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I try my best to plant a fake smile onto my face.

"Yeah, i'm twenty now." I reply, looking away to roll my eyes.

"Twenty? Wow, soon you'll need adult diapers huh?" He messes up my hair, a drunk smirk on his lips.

"And while i'm at it i'll make sure to grab myself some fake teeth." I duck under his arm and smoothe my hair down to a less hagrid looking style.

"Stephen! My main man!" He runs over to Steph and tackles him to the floor. Oh well, at least he's gone.

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