Blooming flowers

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Kokichi woke up the next morning, and again, he was in the position of almost completely falling off the bed. He groaned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. Everything all still felt the same. Everything was painful.

He went through his usual morning routine and got ready to head outside. Today, Kokichi actually waited for Keebo to come. The two spent their walk talking about various subjects. From social media to memes to a conversation about how Keebo lives under a rock, lot's of things like that. This time, there weren't big coughs like the other day, only small and regular ones.

Kokichi's day was better than yesterday, at least. His period before lunch was with Shuichi. They had to talk about the project and started to plan it out. Kokichi still had no idea what he was supposed to do since he paid barely any attention in class. He did have to try to keep in as many coughs as possible, which was hard.

The detective and the liar somewhat got to know each other better. Kokichi was mostly just listening to Shuichi talk. And of course, like the gay clown he was, he couldn't stop admiring the detective and his perfect looks.

"Maybe we could make a Keynote presentation with all of our information on it?" Shuichi said.
"Maybe, but I don't remember all of the info." Kokichi was just out of it. He didn't want to make his beloved carry the team, but he also didn't understand what the hell they were doing.

"Shuuiiiccchhuiii~ this is boooring." Kokichi said, dragging out Shuichi's name and the letter O in boring.
"W-well, we have to do this. It's the teacher's assignment, plus, we'll get good grades." Shuichi wrote down some bullet points on a google doc for their presentation.
"I don't really care about my grades." Kokichi let out a chuckle, but he left a cough through in the middle of it. Hopefully, he didn't cough out a flower petal- damn it.

Kokichi swiped the petal off of the desk. Luckily, Shuichi wasn't paying attention to him.

At lunch, Keebo, Korekiyo, Rantaro And Kokichi were talking once again underneath a tree, eating their food except for Kokichi. The four were talking about their group name since it all started with Kokichi stating the obvious, that most of their names started with the letter K.

"It could be The KKKRs," Rantaro said, eating his food after. "That kinda sounds cringy, " Kokichi cringed. "What if it stood for something?" Kiyo added. "I don't think it would make sense.." Keebo said.

The three moved onto a new topic, while Kokichi just dozed off. He looked down at his hands and saw something under his sleeve. A flower petal?

"Sorry, be right back~" Kokichi said in a sing song voice as he made his way into the bathroom.

"Should I go after him? He's been coughing a lot lately. In addition to that, he isn't eating." Keebo had a concerned tone in his voice. He was the one walking with him, it was easy to notice the coughing and how much he's trying to hold it all in.

"I suppose, yes." Korekiyo packed up his lunch since he finished eating.
"Check the bathroom. He's definitely going to be there." Rantaro spoke up. "But you gotta be quick, Lunch break is about to end soon." Keebo nodded, as he stood up from the ground. He ran towards the nearest bathroom, hoping to find Kokichi there.

"Oh no,no,no,no,no-" Kokichi panicked, looking at the flower bud on his wrist. "God, I'm such an idiot!" He whisper-yelled, leaning against the tiled wall in the bathroom stall. He knew no one was here, so he could be a bit louder.

He let himself get closer with Shuichi. Learning new things about him. If he just focused and worked on the project, he wouldn't have gotten into this situation.

He was about to pull out the flower bud out until he heard a voice.

"Kokichi? Are you in here?"

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