Yeah, girl, it stinks.

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Shuichi walked back into the school building, waiting it out until the break was over.

The day went by relatively quick even though the classes seemed like it was being dragged out for hours. He took notes and written down whatever he needed to do like a good student. When the period came to work on the project with Kokichi, he wasn't being that difficult like usual. He also acted like their conversation during the break didn't even happen. He just carried on, messing around and working on their presentation that was due next week. Right. It was next week.

There was something about Kokichi that always somehow made its way onto his mind. Maybe he was just trying to find all the answers to the mysteries and the loose ends. It was also something about him that made him smile. It was probably his childish personality and how immature he is. He just caught his curiosity and attention. And that disease.

Once the day ended, Kaede, Kaito and Maki met up with him at the school gates. The trio talked through their walk, about their day, to topic to topic.

Soon, one by one Maki and Kaito had to go, as they were arriving at their respective homes. Once Maki and Kaito were both gone, Kaede held Shuichi's arm.
"Hey, can I come over to your house? I have something to talk to you about." Kaede smiled gently, but Shuichi felt as if she was hiding something underneath that smile. What was she planning on doing?
"Oh, sure. You are my girlfriend, after all." Shuichi smiled back at her.

The couple arrived at Shuichi's house. It was pretty big and seemed quite expensive. Shuichi placed the key inside the keyhole and twisted it, unlocking the front door. The two took off their shoes and walked into the living room and sat on the couch.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" Shuichi asked with a smile. Kaede seemed stiff and uneasy- was there a problem? What happened?
"Well... How do I say this.." Kaede lightly and nervously chuckled,  Shuichi's smile slowly fading, his expression turning into a curious one. "I feel as if we aren't that close like we used to be before. I notice how you don't look at me with those eyes anymore. Ah, I feel like a petty jealous girl..! Ahaha.." Kaede chuckled awkwardly, nervously scratching her neck like some sort of trope.

"What I'm trying to say is, our bond isn't as strong anymore and I don't want our relationship to be just a hollow toxic shell. Both of us will suffer if we are in a relationship that we don't want to be in." Kaede said, mustering up the courage to be serious and voice her thoughts. "I think we can be great friends, though! Maybe we just weren't fit to be lovers."
This was a lot to take in for Shuichi. He understood that Kaede was trying to be gentle and kind as possible, but it still hurt. No matter how it's worded. They're breaking things off.

"I'm sorry. It's just... for our sake. I hope you can understand that." Kaede smiled at Shuichi as she knitted her eyebrows.
"Y-yeah. I understand." Shuichi forced a smile, trying to hide the pain. He didn't want her to feel guilty. Kaede smiled gently at the other's response.
"Friends?" Kaede put out her hand. Shuichi glanced at her hand then back at Kaede. There was one option.
"Friends." Shuichi clasped his hand onto hers and let go.
"On that note, I'll need to head out. I'm sure there's some stuff you need to process and get done and I don't want to take up your time." Kaede said, reaching for her white backpack and standing up, slinging it over her back. "I... good luck with your homework, Shuichi. See you tomorrow." Shuichi stood up, walking her to the doorway. Kaede slipped on her shoes and placed her hand on the doorknob.
"You too. See you tomorrow." Shuichi smiled and weakly waved his hand good-bye. Kaede returned the wave and opened the door. She gave one last small smile at him then left.

Shuichi breathed in shaky breaths. A lump formed in his throat. He quickly headed to his bedroom and sat down on the bed to just process the conversation they just had. She had truly broken up with him. He knew this day would come eventually, but he didn't think it would come this soon. You can't control love, which was the most tragic things about humans. Before he knew it, he felt hot, salty tears trickle down his cheeks. He couldn't help it.
It hurts no matter what. He cried until he felt better. Just laying on his bed, wallowing in his own despair. It was his fault.

Wait. If he didn't give Kaede those longing gazes anymore, who stole his heart? Was the answer right under his nose and he just hasn't realised yet?
"Ugh.." Shuichi grunted, wiping his tears away with the ends of his sleeve. He needed to get his mind off this. He walked downstairs to grab his backpack which was left at the couch. He would just have to focus on doing his Homework than any of his problems.

He closed his laptop, groaning and covering his face with his hands. He ate dinner, took a bath, surfed the internet without really focusing on anything. He was tired. It was 10 O'clock which was an unusual time for him to sleep. Fuck it, he was going to sleep. Shuichi plugged the charger in his computer and packed up his school homework and materials. He switched the lights off and flopped onto his bed. Soon, drowsiness overcame him as he fell into a dreamless slumber.

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