Normal day.

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The three arrived at their academy, doing the usual taking stuff out and putting stuff in their backpacks and lockers. People around Shuichi knew he felt out of it by the aura he was giving off and general body language. Although, he somewhat tried to lie out of the subject when some of his peers brought it up. However, lying and hiding things from people wasn't his best suite.

Shuichi was caught up in his own thoughts, thinking through what he needed to say to Kokichi. He would probably need to confess his feelings before the living nightmare Kokichi was going through got any worse.

The only class they had together that day was in the afternoon so, he would have to catch him at first break and fess up his feelings. He wouldn't want to confess while other people could eavesdrop and spread some gossip. That would be humiliating. The break idea was probably easier. And so, Shuichi would need to mentally prepare himself, whether it be today or next week, who knows.


Keebo had opened his history book and had been reading through it since he forgot to read at least two more pages. R.i.p Keebo, you only have nine more minutes. At least he actually did his homework last night.

Kokichi really had nothing better to do, since he already finished up his homework (for once,) and didn't need to go to the bathroom to cough some flowers up. Without having nothing better to do, he looked at the people around him, acquaintances of his giving him a dirty look because of the lies and pranks he pulled. Some students have just entered the academy, making their way to their lockers, talking to their friends. Many faces passed by, ones who were unimportant or didn't care enough know.

Though, there was two he recognised. The piano freak, and the horny inventor. Miu was somehow able to walk with her. Before the two walked away and got blocked by other people, he tried to see if he could read the expression on their faces. Kaede seemed to be enjoying whatever conversation the two were having. Miu seemed to be her normal self, loud and vulgar, but seemed to tone it down a bit around Kaede. Wait- Oh, I see, Miu. That is unfortunate as fuck. We can be unfortunate together. Kokichi thought with a smirk curling at his lips. On second thought, I don't want to be near you.

A few minutes later, the bell rang, signalling the students to start getting ready for their classes. Honestly, this was probably one of the rare times that Kokichi was going to be early.

"Aaaannnnddd, done!" Keebo said, slamming his book shut, placing them inside his backpack and zipping it, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Jeez, that was quick! And here I was hoping you got in trouble.." Kokichi said, making a pouty face. Keebo looked at the other, giving him an 'how could you' look and a 'stop lying' look all in one face. "Nishishi! That was a lie! You should see your face!"

Keebo scoffed, and said, "Come on, we have to head to class." Turning his heel to walk towards the direction of history class, the most unnecessary and boring subject of all.

❀ ✿ ❀

Finally, it was the break that Kokichi yearned for. It was a pity that the break was only short. At least Lunch break was longer.

Once the bell rang, the teachers dismissed the students after reminding them of their homework that needs to be completed.
Honestly, Kokichi couldn't focus even if he tried. He felt so tired, thoughts quickly racing through his mind even before he could even catch them. Ugh. He's already embraced his inevitable death if Shuichi wouldn't be so damn oblivious and just fall in love with him. He wanted to strangle the boy he loved so dearly, but not at the same time.
Ten minutes has passed, killing the time by talking to Rantaro, Keebo and Kiyo. Just talking about weird shit like they always do.

The halls weren't as busy now, since most students were studying, talking with friends, being outside in the Hope's Peak's little fountain area, and some were even facing consequences of their behaviour in class. Which was the unnecessary detention.
Kokichi quickly walked to the bathroom to cough up some flowers and blood then flush the toilet, nothing out of the ordinary. But as he stepped out and was going to walk back to his friend group, a familiar voice stopped him.

[A/N] I was kinda nervous to post this, don't know why. I hope you liked it.

Love is painful. [Oumasai]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon