Oh Shiiiiitt

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It was nearing the end of the prison, in other words, school. Kokichi was given a shit ton of homework by Ms Yukizome, which he needed to complete in a day. It was utter hell in school and out of school! Not even mentioning this horrible disease he carried.

Kokichi was near the school gates, waiting for Keebo and Rantaro. Unfortunately, they were taking their sweet time getting outside of the fucking school. Students were already walking out the school gates, talking with their friends and partners.

He spotted Shuichi walking home with Maki, Kaito and.. Kaede. Why did it have to be her?  Kokichi thought, his fists balling up. What's so good about her? She's boring and too happy - she's nothing compared to me! A question of why's took over his mind, unable to think of anything else to distract himself before something terrible happens—

Oh shit- Kokichi started to unconsciously cough. He covered up his mouth with his checkered scarf, praying no one would notice. His scarf was wrapped loosely on his neck after coughing into it. He had to stretch it out for him to be able to put his scarf over his mouth. He wasn't in an area where lots of people were, he was just on the side, waiting. Though, if he hid behind a tree or something, it would sort of bring attention to himself. "Wow, who is that weird ass kid hiding behind a tree? What the fuck??" They would probably ask if he did. He could just lie about it though. Maybe-

"Hey. Sorry, we were a bit late." A familiar voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"My apologies. Rantaro spilt his water from his water bottle over the classroom and needed to clean it up." Keebo said, glaring daggers at Rantaro.
"As I said, I'm sorry! It was an accident."
"Wooww!~ You're one klutzy avocado!" Kokichi commented while laughing, earning a disappointed rather than an angry sigh from Rantaro.
"Will you please stop saying that I'm an avocado? Lots of other people are starting to call me that.." He responded, a tint of annoyance in his tone.
"Uh, anyway, can we please start walking?" Keebo said, Rantaro nodding in agreement.

The three walked home, mostly talking about memes, with Rantaro sometimes making dead meme references. There were only a few times he actually made a meme reference which was still alive. This was also killing Kokichi. There was always one other thing that makes him slowly die inside — dead meme references.

Kokichi finally got to his lonely home. His mother was most likely out working her job. She wouldn't be coming home for a few hours. The purple haired boy took off his shoes and walked up to his bedroom. He threw his backpack onto his chair and jumped onto his bed, groaning into the blanket and mattress.

Kokichi slowly got up after a few good seconds of groaning. He took off his checkered scarf to check on what he did to his favourite scarf. Ah, blood. Fffuuuccckkk. Stains were really hard to get off on white fabric.

"'Guess I'll have to wash it off.," Kokichi grumbled, setting his scarf aside. He would need to waste the energy that was left inside him to finish the homework. He'll just wash off the blood later.

Kokichi soon after heard a notification go off on his phone. He took out his phone to see the message. It was from 'avocado boy'. The message he sent in was: "Why was there blood near the neck part of your scarf?"

Shiiiiiiiitt. He knows.


As Shuichi was writing in a few sentences for the last piece of homework he had left, his mind kept on going back to Kokichi. He saw from the corner of his eye, that Kokichi was staring at him. From what he could make out of him in the corner of his eye, Kokichi was clenching his fists? And soon after that, he started to cough and seemed to be in a panic. That was all he saw before he had to walk away with his partner and friends.

The coughing was definitely Hanahaki. He was also looking at my direction.. there also seemed to be anger in his eyes - but there was a hint of despair. Shuichi thought, tapping his pencil against his messy wooden desk.

Wait.. what if he..? Shuichi's eyes widened at the thought. His cheeks and neck got significantly warmer. I mean.. from the way he acts around me, I- Shuichi didn't even realise he was speaking his thoughts out loud quietly.

Shuichi was in denial of this. Kokichi couldn't- Kokichi wouldn't- like him, right? Out of all of everyone in this school full of other ultimates, why would he ever like him? Having Kaede as his girlfriend might also be the reason why Kokichi had hanahaki. No, this wasn't true...


❀ ✿ ❀

Kokichi just came up with the first lie that came to his head. He already let two people know, he didn't want others to worry over him. It'd be better if he died without lots of people caring about him. He didn't matter anyway.

He thought about his class schedule first, what he did that could be possible evidence for the blood on his scarf. Something that was believable. He had art, in between the periods of break and lunch.

"I had art today remember? got paint over it and i had to flip the scarf over so no one would notice jeez" Kokichi sent in. "clearly that didnt work :p"
There was a long pause before Rantaro decided to respond. "Really? What were you doing?"
"an art project you idiot" Kokichi snickered. "its fucking art class"

"Uh-huh.." Rantaro responded, not sure whether it was a lie or not. It was most likely a lie. He was just pulling this out of his ass. "Anyway, I won't push this any further if you don't want to talk about it"

Kokichi sighed out of relief. Thank lord Nagito for sparing his luck that this was over text and that Rantaro dropped the subject. He probably knew he was lying. That was often the case because he had the reputation of a liar. Or it was just one terrible lie, which it was.

Kokichi got himself together and went to his desk, bringing his backpack with him to do his homework.

Love is painful. [Oumasai]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora