That's a yikes.

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The purple haired boy twisted and turned around in his bed, unable to fall asleep because of the pain. He couldn't deal with holding it all back. His throat was all painful and felt as if there were knives digging into each side.

He coughed a bit, flower petals with blood on them being spat out. He threw the blankets to the side of the bed. He got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. He had to be quiet, though. Who knew what time it was, it was just when his mother had fallen asleep. He wouldn't want to disturb her.

His feet touched the cold tiled ground, making a shiver go up his spine. Kokichi coughed into the sink, blood and petals being sputtered and hacked out of the poor boy's throat. He leaned against the sink, coughing a little more after he finished the big ones.
He couldn't deal with this every few nights. He hated it. Anyone would.

He turned his clock that was near the sink. Tick..tick..tick..tick.. The smallest of sounds seemed to be loud. He didn't want his mother to hear. He didn't need to worry as much since she was tuckered out because of her job.

He couldn't focus on the numbers- perhaps it was because he was tired of all this. Eye sight blurry, hands trembling. This constant pain of throwing up flowers and staying up. He tried and focus on the numbers and hands on the small wooden clock. 2:04 AM. He looked back at the bloody mess that was the sink. He turned the faucet on, washing away everything. The blood, petals and thorns.
He was sick of this.

Kokichi rubbed his eyes and walked out of the bathroom. He turned the light off and headed towards his bedroom, falling on the bed as drowsiness overcame him once more.


Kokichi fluttered his eyes open, too tired to even function. Well, that was an exaggeration. He got some good hours of sleep in. His coughing fits would usually make him stay up until 4 AM at most. He sat up and rubbed his face, groaning as he did so. He forced himself out of bed and got ready for the day. Same thing as usual.

He slung his backpack over his shoulder and placed on his shoes. "See you later," Kokichi said in a semi-loud voice. He headed out the door and walked through the streets. It wasn't a while until Keebo showed up.

"Oh wow, are you okay? You look like garbage." Keebo said, clearly noticing the bag's under the shorter boy's eyes and his overall aura.
"Fine-and-fucking-dandy," Kokichi said with a thumbs up. Keebo couldn't really catch up on this. He was probably lying, right? Keebo was usually oblivious on sarcastic behaviour.

"What happened?" Keebo said, just taking a guess.
"Rantaro found out. Or is going to anyway!" Oh. So it was sarcasm. Keebo couldn't understand, why didn't he want others to know? He understood strangers or the person you love still being unaware of the whole disease situation, but Rantaro was a trusted friend. He wasn't the gossip type.
"I do not understand. Why can't you just tell him?" Keebo asked.

"Oh, idiot little Keebo, Keebo, Keebo. I don't want others to worry about me or invade my privacy." This Just made Keebo even more confused. Though in reality, Kokichi really just meant that he couldn't let others in as well as other people. Only trusted ones he knew for sure.
"Here we are on the street, you talking out loud about all this." Kokichi's eyebrows furrowed at that.
"No one's around! And the only ones are, are in cars! We're taking the shortcut to Hope's Peak. It's the cheat way." Kokichi put his arms up in the air and looked around. In fact, no one was around.
"Why don't you want others to care? This disease is fatal, it's going to get worse!" Keebo practically shouted. Kokichi stayed silent and just stared at Keebo with no expression.

"...well, duh." Kokichi laughed, which got Keebo on his last nerve. They both wondered how Keebo could deal with Kokichi's attitude.
"You never cooperate with me. I just want you to live. I'm your friend. Friends care." And just like that, Keebo stayed silent for the rest of the walk to Hope's Peak Academy.


Jeez. That was an unnecessary conflict! How will this get resolved?! Kokichi thought, putting things in his locker and holding some textbooks and computer in his arms. Honestly, the worst that could happen is Keebo telling everyone about his disease. Like that's going to happen. Keebo was too much of a softie and naive to do that. Kokichi's eyebrows furrowed as he walked to class.

He huffed and sat down into his seat. Today was going to be a long day.

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