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"Oh, hey Saihara-Chan!" Kokichi turned his heel, grinning and doing the surrender cobra. "Whaddya need?" He said, silently examining the other's face. Oooohhh boy. It was easy he was distressed. There were faint bags under his eyes, his tone laced with a hint of sadness, he seemed to be avoiding eye contact even though Shuichi was comfortable with making eye contact with Kokichi before. Had he been crying the day before?

Kokichi's purple eyes darted around the hall, making sure no one was around. Kokichi's arms fell back to his side. He was now wearing a more serious and concerned expression as he looked at the taller male.

"Ko-" Before Shuichi could even begin his sentence, Kokichi cut him off. 

"Jeez, what happened to you yesterday?" He asked, with a hint of concern embedded in his tone. He didn't want to give it away that he cared for his well being in public - It would ruin his reputation as a ruthless evil leader!

Shuichi let out a scoff. He didn't know whether he should've answered his question or get straight to the point. "I-"
"Were you crying last night?" Kokichi made sure he didn't sound too sincere.


Kokichi let out a somewhat sarcastic gasp, "Who hurt you, my beloved?!" he said, not too loudly, though. 

"Wh- No one hurt me!" Honestly, at times like this, he was dumbfounded at how him calling him 'beloved' could possibly be a friendly thing. How did hints like this fly over his head? "Physically anyway.." He mumbled afterwards.

"Wow, so someone hurt you mentally?" Kokichi snorted, placing his hands on his hips. "Edgy." R/Im14andthisisdeep indeed. I called it. He thought. "C'mon!! Tell me! I'll fight them!"

Obviously, Shuichi won't be able to tell him what he actually wants to talk about at this rate. Was this all deliberate? Did he sense this a mile away? Probably. "I- It's just that-" Shuichi kept his voice low, looking around the hall. Kokichi took a step closer.

"You can whisper it to me if you're so scared."

Shuichi leaned forward to Kokichi, and whispered into his ear, "Kaede and I broke up yesterday."
His heart skipped a beat. Now that was something Kokichi wasn't expecting. They suddenly broke up? Might be a dick move, but he might have a chance of feeling that bittersweet love from Shuichi, finally.

Shuichi pulled away, his tone still low and quiet. "And I have something e-"


The school bell rang throughout the school, signalling students that their break was over. Shuichi cursed under his breath. He'll get another chance to tell him. The halls started to fill in again over the course of 20 seconds.

"Well, see you soon, Saihara-chan!" Doing the surrender cobra again, he walked away and disappeared into the hall filled with other Hope's Peak students.


The class in the afternoon with Shuichi rolled up soon, and he felt bad, physically. Worse than usual. He made more trips to the bathroom to cough up blood and flowers more than usual. It usually happened once or twice on a normal day. It was more than that today.

He felt weak, his throat was sore and his chest hurt, all at once. These probably weren't good signs. He didn't know whether he should go to the hospital or not. He probably should've, but he pressed on. Not like he'll die.

Slumping into his chair, he waited for this period and pain to end.

The teacher explained what we should be doing today, giving some quick reminders. After that, the class began to talk with their group mates.

He could make it through this period. After this, he can crash on his bed. He doesn't need urgent care right now. Who cares if he dies, right?

As he was barely making through every five minutes, he heard Shuichi speak to him in a quiet and calm voice, with a hint of nervousness to it.

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