CHAPTER 6 Say our peace

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Bakugo was careful not to jostle the figure now completely turned into his scent gland he swallowed hard as soft green hair tickled the alpha's strong jawline. This didn't mean anything, the omega had already let the alpha know it wasn't the alpha the omega was drawn to, it was his familiar scent.

This truth didn't keep hope sparking within, if at the very least they could be friends. Something had to be salvageable, Deku had always been so forgiving, after all this time perhaps that one trait was still there under all the pain and trauma.

Bakugo clenched his jaw he was being fucking selfish as hell again, he clasped his eyes shut feeling the omega's easy breathing, his nose warm against Katsuki's sensitive skin. Didn't that idiot have any clue what he was doing to the alpha, why did he have to be so defenseless, why did Bakugo find it so difficult to let this shitty nerd go? What fucking karma, he was the one doing the chasing.

"Kaachan you smell nice." The omega half sighed half mumbled, the fragile shoulders had lost their tension as did the rest of the small body. Those lips mouthing unknowingly against the goosebumps prickling the alpha's neck.

"Wish I could say the same." Bakugo swore under his breath at the harsh words that just tumbled out of his mouth without a filter. Fuck! Why couldn't he ever say what he wanted to say, like;you smell so much better. Or I've missed you more than you would ever know. Yet somehow his harsh retort didn't shake the omega instead he heard a happy humm.

"I did miss you."

The alpha swallowed the dry lump in his throat, "Then why did you fucking leave?" they arrived at Deku's room, it was easy to maneuver the small body into his arms so Katsuki could opened the door with ease. Glad that their wasn't any annoying security around to upset the relaxed greenette with their stench. The question still hung between them, Katsuki loathed redundant questions, he knew the fucking reason, he knew it but he wanted to hear the answer, needed to confirm it. Maybe it could help him finally give up, and stamp out that annoying fucking flicker of hope threatening to ignite into a conflagration.

"I listened to you."

Okay, that wasn't what he expected, maybe the omega was too drugged for this kind of conversation. Still...

"Of all the fucking times." Bakugo tensed hating how his own body betrayed him, how his arms wished to hold Izuku a little longer, until the very scent of of him melted into his every gland mixing with the nitroglycerin. " Godsdammit Deku. I had been telling you to get fucking lost since we were five fucking years old. And-and you fucking chose that one time to listen to me? "

"Hmm." Came a small yawn. "Why don't I feel any pain?" The young omega whispered snuggling closer to the warmth naturally given off by the alpha holding him, unaware of the affect his skinship was causing.

"It's Kiyoko's quirk, makes you feel drunk. It can make you speak without a filter." Katsuki deflated. He was grumbling now, glad the omega couldn't see his face flushing. The alpha remembered how he may have said some embarrassing things about a certain omega while under the quirks power.

That Kiyoko as far as he could tell had kept her patient to healer pact and had yet to tell anyone. Goddammit he hated weakness. At least he knew first hand she was a far better healer to help Deku and Katsumi.

" Where is Katsumi's alpha? Why aren't you together?" The omega didn't tense, that was how comfortable the anesthetic made him, because Katsuki wasn't an idiot, there was no way Deku would ever feel comfortable like this under normal circumstances.

"He didn't want us. It wasn't planned but he didn't want us." the omega whimpered, the pain he felt was deeper than any physical wound, rejection cut like that.

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