Chapter 23 Smiles returning to Faces

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A/N: Once again it's a long chapter. Sorry for the cliff hanger! I wanted fluff before the rough stuff. It's going to bee okayish. Listen thanks for the comments! They guide and motivate me! And your wonderful votes! I'm blushing. I worry about my story telling abilities! Just so you know I'll be writing an original story on Patreon very soon. Anyway I love you all! Thanks for making me feel confident, I don't know if you guessed but I have bad anxiety/depression and their bff PTSD. Anyway enough with the shameless attention grabbing lol. Seriously though! I'm here and you make that possible, I continue to write. :) also I'm a big fan of the work some of you do! You keep it up and hurry update soon! Oh also I did get a big Todoroki tattoo on my leg wooohoo!

The next morning Katsuki was awake before his sleeping Omega. The alpha had held his love all night calming any nightmares that threatened. He brushed the back of his knuckles across  freckled cheeks, Izuku was sleeping peacefully now. Katsuki leaned down and kissed the smoothed brow, this was all his fault.

Not just last night but the fact his twisted pride had caused Deku to flee, he would have never crossed that psycho's path.The greenette began to stir, emerald eyes blinking sleep away, he smiled at the alpha before relization hit him. The smaller man shot up in bed wincing at his aching body, but before either one of them could say anything the door bell rang.

Katsuki smiled looking down "You can change into my clothes anything you need. I'm drying last nights clothes, we can talk later." The omega started to protest, "No." Katsuki cut him off gently pressing a finger to the qonce number one hero's lips. "We will have this talk, because I refuse to relive my past mistakes. We will talk, I will listen Izuku. You are too important to me I wont let anything get in the way of that. If I need to wait a million years before you are ready, and I mean truly ready, then I will wait. I preferbly would like it to be less than a million years but I'll make do." This caused the pale omega to giggle, returning color to his face. "No, I'll let you dress. And just remember I love you, you and Katsumi no matter what. Nothing will change my heart or mind."

He smiled lovingly at the now nodding smaller man before leaving their room, he approached hearing the persistent door bell. Opening the door a small omega blond was eager to jump into his arms. "Can we eat pancakes? Is this your new house, it's so big! Do you have a big kitchen? Is there a backyard?" The boy in the blue hoodie vibrated with excitement his cotton candy scent covering the anxious scent that had followed Bakugou out of his room. The child in his arms was too excited to notice, Katsumi's scent was so warm and bright the ash blond alpha was reluctant to let him go but he nuzzled the cheerful boy and put him on the ground. Like a wined up toy released, he zoomed around the room eyes big and curious.

"Shoes Ka-chan." Shoto sighed the boy ducked his head, then his father brought his focused back to the pro hero.

"Of course I'll make pancakes and you can explore, I'm sure you'll find one of the rooms to your liking." The boy clapped his hands removing his shoes he rushed off.

Shoto sniffed the air his angry growl catching the ash blond off guard, "Where is he!" The dual toned man demanded grabbing at the ash blonde's collar slaming him against the wall near the doorway.

"Calm the fuck down! Mind your own business this is between Izuku and I." Katsuki twisted his own fists tangling them in the slightly taller alpha's collar both growled teeth dangerously retracting.

"You don't understand anything. He might say he's okay but he-" Shoto managed through a tightened jaw.

"Shoto?" Deku yawned wincing slightly at the muscles he forgot he even had. Shoto quickly released the ash blond alpha, the open fire in his eyes returning to his normal neutral tone. He examined his friend's unmarked face, however the loose fitting shirt did allow for some very interesting bruising. Katsuki caught a slight blush and the scent of embarrassment coming from the overprotective asshole alpha. 

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