Chapter 29 There are No accidents

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The wedding reception had many familiar and famous faces. Hikari sipped from his water, after the bachelor party he was sure he would not be drinking that much anytime soon.

"That was amazing. Everyone in the wedding party actually made it to the wedding. After that bachelor party, I had my doubts." Kyioko Iida nudged Izuku playfully. Moita snickered into his glass, shaking his head.

"I had no idea Tenya was such an experienced table dancer." The younger greenette giggled.

"Neither did I." Kyioko  sighed watching her husband decline an offered wine glass from a server. Her red lipstick shinning under the soft lights of the banquet hall as she smiled knowingly.  "He still surprises me even now."

Hikari listened curiously, he couldn't help but smile at the woman in the black sequined strapless dress she looked amazing. Moita and Izuku-san were half brothers and they looked more like full brothers.

Hikari recognized the vice principal, not that he would ever reveal from where. They both had lived the hell of that orphanage but Moita-san was strong. He had made such a big name for himself. He was quirkless but that didn't hold him back. Hikari knew what was done to the quirkless in that orphanage but Moita was here he was brave and he built a life. Hikari wished the green haired vice principal all the best.

Secretly it gave Hikari hope, he might have a chance at life, friends and maybe love. Hikari hated all if the self doubt he carried and the self loathing.

"Kari-chan?" Deku was pushing the omega's soft fringe from his eyes. "Are you alright? If you are still feeling sick from yesterday we can find a place to-"

"Oh, no I'm fine. I was just thinking-" The omega shook his head, his high ponytail swishing over his shoulder. He smiled remembering how carefully Kyioko had braided the sides leaving just enough for his long bangs to comb over to one side. "I'm sorry maybe I am a little hungry."

"I'll get you a plate then. You are looking pale. You are still new with your eyes so don't be afraid to say something if you are in pain." Deku signaled for a server who was carrying a tray of drinks. "Here, more water. You and Moita sit Kyioko and I shall find some food."

"Good idea." Kyioko placed her empty glass down.

"Hey just because we are the youngest of us four doesn't mean we need to be babied" Moita objected surprising Hikari.

"Nope. That's not it at all." Mina giggled making her way over, she was wearing a low cut strapless red dress the skirt of the dress came to her knees like a cloud of yellow and red flames. Despite the clash of colors she looked gorgeous and her smile was magnetic when she watched her best friends make their way through their guests. She turned to look slyly at the vice principal and young mind quirk hero at his side.

"Thats not it at all. You see Deku here has always been one for keeping friend's out of trouble. And with the attention you two keep drawing and after last nights shenanigans its just safer for any idiots that dare approach you two sirens to keep their distance. Here I thought Bakugou had an explosive temper. But nope, after Shoto exploded that one guy's table, froze the dance floor which was kinda fun. It was like an ice skating- "

"Oh yeah that was actually surprising. But when Hitoshi-kun had those idiots jump into that dumpster and Shoto turned it into an icecube-well I thought the drinks were spiked!" Kyioko shook her head.

Moita and Hikari looked confused, " Oh no. This is cute." Mina covered her mouth. "You two have no clue."

"Shinso is lucky he has a special license to use his mind quirk. Working for the government the way he does.  Because turning a group of idiot alphas into clucking chickens isn't exactly smiled on. But you two do know it's because that group was hassling you right?" Mina made a face.

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