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Wendy (Seunghwan) POV's

I try to sleep but I can't sleep. I can't forget about what Sehun said earlier. Tomorrow he will revenge on me. I think every possible way he will bully me. Maybe he will do the same thing like this day, or maybe he will straightly bully me. Ah, I think he will bully me more tomorrow. Ah, what should I do? Should I wake earlier and go to school before all the students come? Aha! That's good idea. I smile and close my eyes. Finally, I can sleep in peace.

I walk alone in the park and I see Sehun approaching me. I don't run this time, I walk approach him as well. I see Sehun smiling at me. I act differently to him right now. I feel happy I can see him, he smile softly to me, and I feel butterflies in my tummy. What is this? I keep walk towards him. We meet each other now. He holds my hand and come closer to me. He try to kiss my lips. I smile waiting for his kiss. Suddenly I jump from my bed when I hear my alarm ringing. Oh my God, I dreamed about Sehun. It's really disgusting. I make my face like a person who wants to throw up. I remember I have to wake up early today, I hurily run to bathroom and take a shower. I dry my hair and brush it. I let my hair fall today. I walk downstairs and I see my mom in the kitchen "Seunghwan, why so early?" I walk to kitchen "I have some assignment to do with my friend in school mom, I go now" I kiss her cheek and walk to the door. I put my shoes on and open the door. I feel breeze drift away my hair. Morning's air is perfect. I open the gate and suddenly I feel someone is pulling me to the car. I'm so shocked that I never realize I already inside the car. I'm awake from my shock after I hear the sound of the door closed. I jump a little and I move my face to the left. There is S-E-H-U-N in the driver seat. "Annyeong, why so early Seung? Want to escape from me? Hahahaha"

Sehun POV's

I get a brilliant idea for tomorrow. I will wait Seung outside her house and go to school with her. She will bullied by the girls. I'm laughing hard just think about it. Seunghwan is really cute when she get bullied by the girls. She sometimes exploding but another time she just keep calm. Let's see her expression tomorrow. I have to rest early because I will wait her from 5 am. I think she will go to school earlier to avoiding me. I set my alarm and go to sleep. Hope she will have a sweet dream. I laugh evilly.

I drive my car slowly and I open the window. I absorb all the fresh air into my lungs. I never feel this morning air before. This is the first time I get up this early. I'm not a morning person but to make my revenge run smoothly I have to make an effort. I park my car infront of Seunghwan's house. I wait about an hour when I hear the door open sound. I take a look from the gate and I see Seunghwan is there. My prediction is correct, she will go to school this early. I hide my body behind the wall. I see the gate is open. One, two, three! I grab her wrist and pull her to my car. I do it very fast, I close Seunghwan's door and I open the driver door and get in. I slam the door and I see Seunghwan is jump a little. Her face is really funny. I really want to laugh but I hold it. Suddenly she turn her face to me. I bet she is in her shock state now. "Annyeong, why so early Seung? Want to escape from me? Hahahaha" I can't hold my laughter even further. Her face is daebak. I can't stop laughing. "Why are you here so early? Hah? Open the door" She force her hand to open the locked door. She really do a stupid thing. I put my seatbelt and start the engine "Better you put your seatbelt on" I step on the pedal and my car run so fast.

I drive my car around the town to waste the time. When I see it's 6.30 am, I drive my car to my school. I didn't hear a single word from Seung. I think she really nervous about what the girls will do to her when they know we go to school together. That's all on her eyes, she is worrying her life today, hahaha. When we arrive at our school, I hurily get out from my car and go to her door. I know she will running away. "Wait" I grab her wrist and hold her hand. I walk inside the school with her, well, I drag her with my strength. I just can see her frowning at my back. I walk through the corridor and it's showtime! I see all the girls give Seunghwan their death glares or stares. "I'm so dead!" I hear her mumbling. I really want to laugh but I have to keep my cool face infront of my fans hahaha.

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