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Wendy (Seunghwan) POV's

I go inside SM building and meet Seulgi and Joohyun. They already there and wait for me. We walk to practice room together. I just can see all new girl trainee. "They separate us with the boys" Seulgi whispering to me. I just nodded and sit on the floor with them. "Girls, you can change into your clothes, we are having a dance practice first" A young man said that and all trainees stand up and change. After that we have to stretch our body and we start the dance practice. The trainer ask us to dance following the music. I see Seulgi and Joohyun dance in synchronize. They are really great. I start to move my body and follow the music. After seconds, I get the rhyme and my body moves perfectly. "Good, now make a group of three and we will having a dance battle" that man turn off the music and clap his hand. I look at Seulgi and Joohyun. I think they have the same thought with me. We are one group. Trainer give us 5 minutes to practice with our team. And this is show time. Me, Seulgi and Joohyun dance perfectly infront of them. I think if the three of us make a team, it will be something great. We have chemistry one to another. Trainer encouraging us and said that we have the same moves and expression, totally like a twins. We hugging each other "Daebak, I really want to see us dancing" Joohyun said that "Me too, so curious" I said that to them.


Our practice is done for today. We change our clothes and suddenly I see a girl entering the change room too. She is one of the new trainees. "Attention all, you all have to know my name, my name is Im Inna. I will be the first new trainee that debuting, you have to follow my words" Seulgi and Joohyun look at me and I make my throwing up face to them. They laugh with me "Daebak, crazy girl" Joohyun comment is really funny so I keep laughing. "Is that something funny?" Inna asking us. I cover my mouth so my laugh won't out "Of course" Seulgi answer her question. "What is that?" Inna asking while crossing her hand. Woah, this girl, act like a boss huh? "Your words really funny" Seulgi glare at her. Seulgi is really brave I think. "Did you said----" Inna can't complete her words because Seulgi cuts her words "Just proof your words" Seulgi said that coldly. I see Inna stomp her foot and leave the change room. I think Inna really a crazy girl.


We change our clothes and put our belonging to the bag "Really, Inna is a crazy girl right?" Seulgi ask me "Insane, totally insane and over confidence, she can said that words on the first day of her trainee's day" I said that to Seulgi and she just laugh to my words. "I hope we can debut as soon as possible and I hope we are at the same group, I feel comfortable with you two" Joohyun said those words and I really hope so. I try to find my phone but it is nowhere in my bag. "Let's go home" Seulgi and Joohyun stand up "You two leave first, I think I forget something inside the change place" I said that to them "We will wait for you" Joohyun said that and smile "Don't need, I'm okey, it's already 7 pm, it's okay to leave first" I really don't want to make them waiting. "Okay, we will see tomorrow Seughwan, bye" They wave to me and leave. I hurriedly go to change place and search my phone. I search my phone carefully, I hope I will find it. My lovely phone, where are you? I need to go home!


After searching for half hour, I found my phone. It is fall from my bag when I took my clothes. It's below the bench. I stretch my hand "Finally can go home, tiring day" I walk outside the change place. I see it's already dark inside the practice room. Suddenly I hear sound of something fall. I bulge my eyes and run to the door. I turn the knob and bump to someone. I bow quickly "I'm sorry sunbaenim" I hear from other trainee that a group called EXO is practicing next to us. They will debuting so they practice there. So that's why I said "sunbaenim" I think I bump into one of EXO member. "It's okay" I hear a very familiar voice. I quickly lift my face and I see Sehun standing there. I bulge my eyes and drop my jaw. "What are you doing here?" We asking the same question in synchronize. "Annyeong Seunghwan!" I hear another voice and turn my face to left. I see Baekhyun standing there and waving. Is Baekhyun already inside a group? He will debuting soon? I just wave back to him but suddenly Sehun grab my hand "Seung, are you new trainee here?" he ask me "Are you trainee too?" I ask him back and he nodded. Wait, we enter the same company? We are trainee in the same company? SMent??? "I already answer your question, now it's your turn" I stare at him blankly and nodded "Are you two knowing each other?" Baekhyun asking again while another member just staring at this scene. "We are classmate hyung" Sehun answer his question and I just give Baekhyun an awkward smile. "Ah, let's go out first, it's already night" One of them that has a wide eyes said that. I think he feel the tention between me and Sehun. Sehun keep grab my hand and drag me out from there.


Sehun POV's

Today's practice is really enjoying. Now EXO has a full member. The new member really funny and match well with us. I'm happy having a new family here. I'm the maknae here. They all older than me so I have 11 new hyung. But Tao having the same age like me, still, I'm the maknae. I hear that the new girl trainee practicing next to us. I'm curious about their face, kkkk. After we done practicing, we get out from our practice room. It's already 7.30 pm and I walk out first. Suddenly a girl bump into me "I'm sorry sunbaenim" she quickly bow and said that. She called me sunbaenim, it means she is new trainee. "It's okay" I said that to her. She lift her face and I'm really surprised that she is Seung, yes, Seunghwan my classmate. I bulge my eyes and drop my jaw. "What are you doing here?" We asking the same question in synchronize. "Annyeong Seunghwan!" I hear Baekhyun-hyung's voice, wait, they know each other? How? When? I feel a little jealous now. Why my feeling like this? Seung waving back to Baekhyun and I really don't like it. I grab her hand that waving to Baekhyun "Seung, are you new trainee here?" I ask her curiously. Is it possible we are the same trainee here? "Are you trainee too?" she asking me back but I just nodded to her. I think she really shocked about this truth "I already answer your question, now it's your turn" I really want to know it. She stare at me blankly and nodded. WOAH, JACKPOT! Is it a fate? How can we enter the same company? DAEBAK "Are you two knowing each other?" Baekhyun-hyung asking me and Seunghwan. Why Baekhyun-hyung so curious about us? Is he liking my Seung? "We are classmate hyung" I answer his question before Seunghwan can answer it. "Ah, let's go out first, it's already night" Kyungsoo-hyung said that. He really knows that the atmosphere changing. I keep grab Seung's hand and drag her out from there. 


I drive Seung home "Thanks for the ride. Can you not telling our friends about me as a trainee there?" She asking me. I nodded to her and smile. She left my car and get inside her house. I think Seung's has the same fear as me if other friends knowing about this. I really happy she is one of the trainee there, so I can see her often now. I never know Seung can sing or dance. I'm curious now, I will interrogate her tomorrow hahaha. But how can Seung knows Baekhyun-hyung? Why Baekhyun-hyung act like that infront of Seung? Is he like her? He can't like Seung, No one can like her. "Oh Sehun, you are weird, why think like that? Are you like your bully? NO!" I talk to myself like a crazy. It's impossible that I like her.

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