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Wendy (Seunghwan) POV's

I sit infront of my laptop and wait for the time. They will send the email at 6 pm. I wait it full of nervousness. Will I make it? One minute feel like one hour. I wait and wait for the email. Suddenly I fall asleep and when I wake up it's already 7 pm. I hurriedly check my email. I get one email from SMent! I inhale and exhale, why so nervous? I click my email and it's open. I close my eyes "Jebal, jebal, jebal" I open my eyes and read "Congratulation, you are one of our trainee now, please come to SMent building at 5 pm on monday. Please bring the print out of this email" I feel my heart exploding right now. I can't believe it! "Omo, omo, OOOOMMMMOOOOO!!!!" I shout and jump on my bed. It's really the best thing in my life. "Seunghwan, why screaming so loud?" My mom asking me. I run to her and hug her "Mom, I become one of the trainee in SM" my mom bulge her eyes "Really? Omo, my daughter" She hug me back. Thanks God for this blessing.

I walk to my class with a smile on my face. I have to tell Bona. Yeah, just Bona who knows about this. I step to my class and I see Bona there. I take a seat "Bona, I make it, I'm a trainee now" I whisper to her "Really? Congrats" She whispering too and hug me. I really happy about this. I'm one step closer to reach my dream. I can't wait until the bell rang and I will go to SM building. How many new trainee there? I'm so curious. I'm curious how they look like, how is their talent. "Good morning, let's start the class" Mrs. Ahn already in class. I didn't hear the bell because my happy thought.

The bell is ringing now. I hurrily put my thing inside my bag. "I will go, wish me luck" I said to Bona and leave. I walk in speed. "Seung" I can hear Sehun's voice calling my name. I don't have time to turn my back and receive his tease. So I keep walk in speed. "Yah, Seung, let's go home together" He grab my wrist softly. Oh my God, what should I say? "Ah, eemm, I have to go somewhere, it's urgent, see you tomorrow" I smile to him and running away. That's very close, if he find out about this, I'm so dead.

I'm here, suddenly my heart beats fast because of my excitement. I walk in and there is a lady who ask my print out. I give my print out to her and she give me the direction to the hall. I walk in and all eyes on me. Oh my, this is really make me nervous. They look at me from head to toe. I sit beside a boy. I just keep quite "Annyeong, I'm Seulgi" The girl infront of me introduce herself while smiling. "Annyeong, my name is Seunghwan" I smile back to her "Ah, this is my friend, Joohyun (Irene)" She continue her words and the girl name Joohyun smile to me. "We are best friend from junior year and we enter the same audition and become a trainee here" Seulgi tell their story "Really? Daebak" I smile to them. We become more closer and Joohyun invite me to have a coffee after this end. "Annyeong" The boy beside me greet me. I turn my face and I see his face properly now "I'm Byun Baekhyun, you?" He reach out his hand and I take his hand "I'm Son Seunghwan" I smile to him. He is about to ask me something "Welcome our new trainees" but he hold it because someone is talking infront of there. "From now, you are all trainees here, you can start to practice tomorrow. The total number of new trainees is 21 person. Please come tomorrow after school and we will lead you to have practice" Woah, I'm officially a trainee here, I smile to myself "Please submit your name and phone number here" I stand in line to submit my number. I stand with Seulgi and Joohyun. They really match well with me. We have the same taste of music, we laugh at the same joke. They will become my best friend here, I think.

I walk out with Seulgi and Joohyun to a cafe near SMent. We laugh together at Seulgi's joke. I know them well now. Seulgi is one year old than me whereas Joohyun is three years old than me. So Joohyun is Seulgi's senior but they are best friend. We order our coffee and tell about our audition one to another. We laugh together "Hello, can I sit here? I'm new trainee too" We all turn our face and I see that boy, who is his name? I forget about his name. "I'm Byun Baekhyun" He introduce himself to Seulgi and Joohyun. Ah, Baekhyun! I remember now. After that we still laugh together. Baekhyun is very funny. I can't stop laughing from his joke. I'm so happy today because I can meet these amazing person. I make friends and I became a trainee in SM. My life so beautiful.

Sehun POV's

When the bell rang I see Seunghwan put her things to her bag hurriedly. Then I see her walk in speed. I follow her "Seung" I call Seunghwan but she keep walking away from me. She doesn't turn her back. "Yah, Seung, let's go home together" I grab her wrist softly. "Ah, eemm, I have to go somewhere, it's urgent, see you tomorrow" she smile to me and running away. She is so weird a while ago. I think something is happening. What is that? I'm so curious. I check my watch and bulge my eyes. I have to leave this school now or I will be late for my practice.

I park my car and go to practice room. Members already gather there. "Sehunnie, come here, we have name here" Joonmyun-hyung said that. I walk to there and listen to Joonmyun-hyung carefully "I will read our new member's name, there is three chinesse member and two korean member" I really excited to hear their name "I will read Chinesse member first. They are Huang Zi Tao, Zhang Yi Xing, and Wu Yi Fan. For Korean members there are Byun Bekhyun and Kim Minseok" Woah, their name amazing, I hope the person will amazing too.

We done practicing now. Luhan-hyung ask us to have a coffee. We all agree and go to the cafe near SM building. We walk and chatting. When I lift my face, I see a figure that I really know get out from that cafe. Is she Seung? What is she doing here with two girls and a boy that not our friend? It's quite far from her home too. I really want to shout her name but I hear Chanyeol-hyung joke and laugh hard. When I stop my laugh, I can't see Seung anymore. She left.

I walk to the class and yawning. I'm so sleepy today. I close my eyes and keep walking so I walk with my eyes closed. "Omo" I hear someone shout and bump to my chest. I open my eyes and I see Seung on the floor. "Hahaha, what are you doing there?" I ask her "I'm falling because I bump onto you" She said that to me. I reach out my hand to her. She just looking into my hand for seconds. I move my finger and she reach my hand. I pull her to stand. "Thank you" she smile to me and I can feel my heart warm because of her smile. "Seung, where are you last night?" I still curious about last night figure. "Ah? Last night? I'm at my home of course, waeyo?" She ask me back but I just shake my head "Ah, ani, let's go to class" Maybe last night I just have some imagination inside my head. I see her figure last night because I really miss her. I bulge my eyes and slap my cheek harshly "Aaaah" I shout "Waeyo?" Seung ask me with a weird face "No, you can go to class, I want to pee" I running away from her. Why I always think about her? Why I always missing her? Am I crazy? Or.............

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