Chapter 25

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I eventually force myself out of bed and slump out to the living room, only to plop down on the couch after a few seconds of standing still. Jerome looks out from the kitchen and chuckles.

"Lazy this morning?"

"I'm lazy every day Jerome." I roll my eyes, sighing.

"I knoww. I'm just teasing."

He walks out of the kitchen and sits down to join me. I give into my gut and snuggle into his chest. He presses his lips to my forehead and whispers in my hair.

"Are you sure you're okay from that dream?"

At my nod, he kisses my forehead again and returns to the kitchen, only to return minutes later with two plates holding giant cheese omelettes. I eagarly take mine and peck his lips as thanks before digging in.


After I finish breakfast, I head to my room and get dressed, pulling on my red and black hoodie, trying to relive the feelings of old me. I haven't worn this hoodie since everything with Mariana began happening. I also pull on a pair of sweatpants and some running shoes before heading out to the living room again.

"Hey, G?"


"I'm going on a quick jog. I haven't gotten any fresh air in a while, not counting us walking around at PAX."

"Alright. Any idea when you'll be back?"

"Probably around...wait what time is it now?"

"Almost 2."

"Probably 3 then."

"Okay good. I have plans for us to go to dinner and the arcade tonight."

"Sounds great! Be back for then!"

Before I leave the apartment building, I send out a quick tweet, saying

"Off to jog and get some fresh air. Really need it today!"

As soon as it sends, I pocket my phone and leave the complex and begin jogging down the sidewalk. The sun makes it seem hotter than it really is, causing a bit of sweat to form inside my sweater. But I'm not taking it off. The birds chirp at me nearby and fly overhead, calling their songs to their friends. I take my ipod out and pop one headphone in, flicking through my playlist as my legs pump beneath me. Suddenly, I hit something and stumble backwards a little bit. I hear a woman's voice exclaim

"Oh my I'm so sorry!"

I look up to meet the face of someone I never imagined I would ever see again.











(I'm not leaving it off like that, don't worry. I can be nice XD)


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