Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Capture the flag.

Athena, Zeus, Nemesis, Ares and the Hypnos cabin were in the blue team, and the rest were in the red team.

That also meant the unclaimed cabin.

"Hey Paige, you guard the flag with the rest of the unclaimed. Andy, we need you to help fight up front. You're pretty handy with the dagger."

Annabeth nodded slightly at Percy, who grinned. Usually, he was included in the front lines part too, but this time, he got to guard the flag instead. Old times.

He put on the armour. "Old times, no, wisegirl?" Percy whispered to Annabeth. No one was listening to their secret conversation.

"Listen, we can't lose alright? If it comes to you needing to, you're showing your skills."

"But I can't fight with this too heavy sword!" Percy pouted.

"Don't think I believe you." Annabeth scowled. "You're able to fight well with any sword."

"But then they might suspect something!" Percy cried. "Whatever." Annabeth rolled her eyes. "We need the others help now. I don't want to be Andy forever."

"You don't like being a boy?" Percy laughed. "I like being a girl." "Ugh obviously." Annabeth shuddered at the thought for being a boy for life.

They were so oblivious and the boy toilets were so dirty! And she didn't want boys changing clothes in front of her either.

"Everybody to positions!" Travis yelled.

Percy assigned himself to the creek. After all, Annabeth didn't want him, the team, to lose. And she wanted to reveal their identities anyway. So what's better than surprising Clarisse with a nice douse of water, like the first time they met?


Percy was perspiring. He had inconspicuously doused Clarisse and two of her siblings, and Clarisse had whipped around finding for the one who did it, and even though Percy quickly moved away from the creek, her eyes narrowed at him and she advanced forwards.

"When did you get claimed huh?" Clarisse scowled. "It doesn't matter." One of the Ares campers said. He was beefy and all, but seemed really stupid. "I've heard about the newbie's skills. She sucks."

This would be fun, Percy thought. Totally.

The faces of all three of them were in complete shock, as Percy successfully dodged the attacks and smacked the first one on the head, hard, who was sent tumbling into the water.

Clarisse sneered. "You remind me too much of Jackson, all you Poseidon spawn." She charged. Clarisse sure had improved.


He managed to take down all three of them successfully though, having more fun that he did in a long time. The cut on his arm hurt though.

Their team managed to win, loud cheers erupting as Connor carried the flag past the line, Annabeth beside him. Another child of Hermes. Except it was Luke the first time.

"There's a child of Poseidon here!" Clarisse yelled. She was drenched with water, and clearly very angry.

"What?" Every camper turned to look at Clarisse.

"There!" Clarisse pointed at Percy. Percy sighed. His arm had healed and he was sure he looked healthy and refreshed.

"Another child of Poseidon?" "Does Percy's disappearance have to do anything with this?" "She reminds me of Percy."

"Alright you got me." Percy sighed. He stood up, spreading his arms. "I'm not really Paige."

"What do you mean you're not Paige?" someone shouted.

"I'm Percy."

It was very silent now. Percy was aware of Annabeth standing beside him. "And I'm Annabeth."

It was very silent, and was finally broken by a nervous chuckle. "Are you messing with us?"

"Nope." Percy shook his head. "Seriously?" Leo asked. "We're serious. We don't know what happened to us." Annabeth answered.

"We should ask Chiron about it!" someone said. There were murmurs of agreement.

"You may ask..." Annabeth sighed. "But he already knows."

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