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A/n: So I watch the english version of the anime, so keep in mind that Judar can also be Judal. Just use your personal fave and have fun reading! Love ya, my arrow nerds! And note that the staff above is yours.

Where are you going?" You asked B/f/n and the other male servants. They looked at you, and at each other. It was after work hours, but anything could happen and they probably didn't want to risk being caught leaving the premises. "Seriously, if you guys are going out for drinks, then you just oughta tell our master. No point in getting in trouble for fun, right?" You continued.

"Y/n.... You should stay out of a person's business. We'll try to be back before long, okay?" B/f/n answered. "And tell the master that we're at the Solieo tavern, please." They added after a pause.

"Alright. Just be careful, okay?" You asked. They nodded, smiling at you before all of them left, having general conversation. They seemed a little on edge, and the more you thought about it, the more you figured that you should follow them. But your promise to Dindea echoed through your head, and you headed up back to your master's.

"Master, the male servants and B/f/n are at the Solieo tavern. They informed me of this just before leaving." You told the master whom was reading multiple documents. He smiled.

"Thank you for telling me where they are. You may do whatever you please tonight, Y/n." He informed you.

"Thank you, sir." You answered, bowing down in thanks. What should you even do? It was early in the night, and there were several areas in the town that you could go. But, then again, you could also take this chance to catch up on your sleep. Walking down into the female servant's quarters, you touched your chin in thought. You had been so busy as of late to not think of how being in the Kou Empire had changed things. Had things even changed? Yes, most likely. But you had not been outside in eight days after the decision to annex into the Kou. B/f/n had, and in your eyes, it seemed that Dindea and the others were keeping you busy so that you couldn't go out.

That was the most likely case. You shook your head. No, you shouldn't doubt them. They probably wanted to keep you safe, being the youngest servant there. After changing your clothing, you crawled into bed and closed your eyes.

You turned onto your side, then found your most comfortable position. And began thinking about what had changed in your life. Being a orphan at birth, you didn't even know your blood or birth status. All you knew was that b/f/n's mother had taken you in, and when she had passed, the two of you found work here. Where you were now.

You sighed. It was so difficult, being unsure of where you even came from. How had so many people lived this long, unsure of what they were? Unsure of who they were? Your thoughts slowed and your breathing become steady, and you dreamed of a life where you knew just who you were.

*Time skip*

One and a half months had passed since the Kou had annexed Balbaad into it's Empire, and you noticed that many people went to Solieo tavern more often. Life seemed to continue, and it seemed that nothing had indeed changed.

It was honestly peaceful again. No one was fighting anyone else, and prosperity had returned thanks to trade and the fact that you were indeed slowly paying off debts to the Kou through many ways. Which did not include selling the people off as laborers and slaves.

You smiled as you gently varnished a intricately designed wooden cabinet that would be gifted to a wedding between the Master and a retired merchant, whom seemed younger than expected.

"Y/n." B/f/n spoke up beside you, who was cleaning a vase. "Do you... hate the Kou?" They asked. You hummed.

"No. I neither hate nor agree with them. Why do you ask?" You responded, looking over at them. Their eyes were seething with anger.

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