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The palace of the Kou empire was more extravagant than that of Balbaad's. It was bustling with soldiers, nobles, scholars, attendants, and servants. But even the bustle held organization.

"Hey, Koumei!" Called a pink-haired man, waving the prince over.

"Hello, Kouha." Koumei greeted the shorter male. So this was the third prince. He was accompanied by three girls with bandages wrapped around their bodies, a male, and another redhead wearing more extravagant clothing than most noblewoman that you had seen. She had a head ornament that held her hair in a bowtie-like ponytail, and had a golden pin through the ornament.

The small girl was more beautiful than anyone you had before seen. She looked at you with large, pink eyes tinted with interest.

Prince Kouha was beautiful as well. He had three pink braids in his hair, which was cut short in the back. He also had pink eyes and instead of wearing traditional robes, wore a styled dress with white shorts that revealed his hips and part of his thighs. He also wore a blue hat with golden wings, and had a large sword in his hand.

It was very clear that both him and his company were all interested in you, who wore a f/c dress that wrapped around your lower torso, and ended midway down your thighs. Your hair was in a {Favorite hairstyle}, and the trinket given to you by Koumei was it's centerpiece, although strands fell out of it. You held your staff a little tighter as their eyes began to judge you.

"I assume this is Y/n, Lord Koumei?" Asked the redhead.

"Yes, this is the dungeon capturer of Knochen." Koumei answered. "Y/n, this is the third prince, Kouha and the eighth princess, Kougyoku." Koumei introduced you to his siblings. You bowed.

"It's truly an honor to meet you both." You informed.

"Jeez, chill. We're fellow dungeon capturers, there's no reason to be so formal. Not that it isn't cute." Kouha commented.

"Honestly, this girl is in a totally new place and knows next to no one and you want her to 'chill'?" Princess Kougyoku asked. "Hello, Y/n. I'm supposed to teach you how to Djinn equip." She continued. "I'll also be your educator, so we'll be seeing much of each other from now on. I hope that we learn a lot about each other."

"Thank you so much. I also hope that we get along, and hope to be an good friend." You thanked her. She smiled.

*Kougyoku's P.O.V.*

Kouha was now bothering poor Y/n about her fighting skill, and how it was rather shameful that she couldn't Djinn equip. "Kouha, you and I have business to attend to. You can speak to Y/n another time." Koumei spoke up after Kouha began to touch the h/c colored female. She also had a blonde streak down her hair, and it looked like flaming gold in the sunlight. Although, this blonde streak had a rosy gold color about it- and it's shine was unique to that of a gold coin.

"My apologies about my half-brother. He can be quite the eccentric. Shall we begin?" I began. The other female smiled.

"Yes, I'd be glad to." She answered. She didn't seem like a power hungry individual, that was certain. And she had a pleasant air about her. It was nervous, but also pleasant. I led her to an area that was designed for Djinn battles.

"You don't have to be afraid of messing things up in here. We have magicians that can repair the area very easily." I told her. She nodded, a drop of sweat going down her forehead. Perhaps I had no reason to worry. Of course I had volunteered for teaching her, as she was foreign to me, but there was also the fact that Kouha being her teacher would result in too many wounds for the poor girl.

"Right. So, um, how do you Djinn equip exactly?" Y/n asked. I chuckled.

"Take your metal vessel in your hand and then focus on the life dwelling inside it. You will feel the large powers pulsing with your own. After this is done, concentrate that power onto your own body. Then release it." I told her, taking out my metal vessel and equipping Vinea. She nodded, grasping her metal vessel a little tighter.

How exactly did this nervous thing become one of Judar's king candidates? Perhaps it was her nervousness. It made her easy to control. Y/n was taking deep breaths and had closed her eyes. After a couple minutes of silence, a dark flash burst from the weapon and the staff had changed to a two-sided scythe. Y/n looked at the weapon in interest, touching the now black metal.

"You seem pleased." I observed. She looked up.

"I've been trying to at least weapon equip for a while now. Thanks to you, I have." The female answered. I smiled. Her praise was heartfelt, I could tell, and it made me feel warm with satisfaction.

"Don't think that we're finished yet. You need to get used to using that scythe of yours, and we still have quite a bit to go until you can Djinn equip. You won't see any progress unless you put in the effort, however." I answered her praise. She nodded, a little sweat going down her face.

"I understand. It's thanks to your eldest brother that I'm even alive, so the least I can do is trust that you know what you're talking about." She commented. "So, I'll do my best in both fighting and in learning." The female continued. I smirked.

"That's good. I'm glad to hear it. Today we'll focus on getting you acquainted with your new schedule, and then we'll get you used to the palace. After that, we'll begin your teaching. I look forward to teaching you." I told her. She nodded, her e/c eyes holding an excitement in them.

I also felt excitement. A dungeon capturer that was also a girl, and that needed to learn from me! She also seemed willing to be my friend as well, so that was a bonus.

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