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When you woke up, you were aware of a warm spot next to you. You felt yourself grow hot, realizing that you were curled up next to Koumei. Oh god, I should've thought this over. What if someone had walked into the room? They would've seen you and the prince, meaning that a rumor would spread of you two being in a relationship.

Koumei stirred awake. You could tell because he pulled closer to your chest with a content sigh. "Mmn, good morning baby." He murmured. You hummed in response as he nuzzled your chest. He sounded happy. Whether it was waking to you, or getting some sleep, you did not know.

You rubbed his head with one hand, placing your other arm around his back. "Feeling better?" You asked a whisper of sleep in your voice.

"Mmhmm." He hummed, pulling you closer to his body. One of his legs went on top of your hip, the other in between your own two legs. Your face went darker red. One of his thumbs caressed your side as he sighed in content. "You're so warm~ I wanna curl next to you forever." The male purred.

"Koumei... You're not thinking clearly. You ought to return to your brothers' side." You told the prince. He just shuffled, probably to feel as much of your warmth as he possibly could. Now that you were more awake, you noticed he was shaking and was considerably warm himself. "Koumei? Are you well?" You asked.

"I'm fine. I'm beside you, baby." He was acting unlike himself, for sure.

"Koumei. Please, let me go. I'm going to fetch you a doctor. You feel like you're burning up, and are shaking."

"Nooooo. Don't leave me, Y/n." Koumei complained. "My fragile body needs your care~~~." He continued, gently kissing your jaw. "Please stay, my love. My baby~ my sweet, sweet, caring baby." The male begged.

"Koumei. You are ill! You need a doctor this instant, and will let me, one of your subordinates, not your lover, go this very second, my Lord, my Prince Koumei Ren!" You snapped, worry rising in your throat. He'd been off for a while now. Hell, ever since the carriage rides back to Balbaad, in fact.

Perhaps he'd used up too much. He was a considerably strong person when it came to magoi, yes, but considering his habits.... It would be difficult to stay on your feet if you used space-time magic. And this was Koumei, a man who lost track of time enough to forget to sleep and eat! You pushed him away, which was easy and got out of the bed.

"Y/n... please don't leave, I beg!" Koumei protested, trying to get up. You whirled around.

"As a fellow metal vessel user, I demand that you do not leave this bed! I will summon your elder brother should you defy my order, Koumei Ren! You need a doctor, and I'm going to get one! Now, stay here, is that understood?!" Koumei nodded, a drop of sweat going down his face. You relaxed. "Make yourself comfortable. I shall be back, I assure."

With that, you went to go fetch a doctor, leaving your friend. Is he my friend now, though? I mean, we do love each other.... You thought, gently caressing your jaw where he'd kissed it moments before. I'm his subordinate. And Kouen obviously cares for me more than a prince should for a commoner. No, he doesn't really care for me. He sees me as a tool to expand.

You sighed, rubbing your temple. This is so confusing..... I can't continue doing this. I love this Empire, but if these two continue trying to get me to be their lover, I think I'll explode! You crashed into someone and landed on your butt. "Ow... Sorry.... That was my fault." You apologized, looking up to see Kouen.

"I know that you've fallen for the Empire, but you don't have to do so literally." He teased, offering a hand. You grabbed it and noticed just how warm the hand was as he lifted you from the ground.

"You seem in a good mood....." You observed. "What, Gyokuen die or somethin'?"

"No, we recently found a great military gain. While you were out of the game, so to speak."

"Whadda mean by that?"

"Koumei didn't tell you?" Kouen asked. You shook your head in response. "Your foster mother stabbed you in the back- literally. I'm surprised he didn't inform you. After you woke up, he went to see her and another person with [B/f/n's description]. When he came back, he was pretty shaken. I've never seen him that bad."

You shook your head. Of course, Charlotte would shake up a prince like Koumei. And with B/f/n near, she'd be even worse. "Koumei is a very calm man. He's calculating. Charlotte is even more so. She's cold. She does her research. And with B/f/n by her side, she'll be even more intimidating. They really are mother and child."

"You don't seem surprised that she stabbed you."

"No, I'm not. Charlotte.... Always gave off a bad vibe, ya know? Like if you didn't keep an eye on her she'd attack you. I ignored that vibe, and now Koumei's suffering because of it. He's become ill." Kouen looked shocked.

"Koumei's ill?"

"Yeah. I was watching him. He's in my room shaking and just looking awful. He's also got a fever. The poor thing's delirious." You told him. Kouen's eyes narrowed and you shivered.

"Why's he in your room?"

"You know just how upset Koumei was better than I do. He came to get some comfort, I'm pretty sure. I insisted he had someone watch over him, so I did. When he woke up, he was shaking and felt hot." You left out the fact that you joined him, feeling the usual fear that came when Kouen got angry.

But at your explanation, he relaxed. "I'll go watch Koumei. Please fetch a doctor to your room. I want you to go see your mother afterward." You nodded, already heading towards the offices. Kouen headed towards his brother in the opposite direction.

*Time skip*

"Charlotte. B/f/n." You greeted the two. Kokuton and Sheishuu stood behind you, watching the confrontation. "Why did you lie about dying?" You asked. Charlotte purred.

"Because we thought it best. I had to go on the run, honey. You needed to believe I was dead, in case someone got to you." She answered.

"We?" You asked.

"Aye. B/f/n and me."

"Talk normally for once, I don't want to deal with your shit." You ordered. "And you. You somehow made Koumei have that awful dream, didn't you? How?" You spoke to B/f/n.

"Y/n, come on, I would never hurt him because I know you care for the bitch. Well, not a lot." B/f/n smirked. "I'd just make you own him."

"Listen here, Rose Gold, we think you have grown to close to the Empire. It's time to go back to yer home, love. Please, let us take you home." Begged your foster mother. She had a cruel smile plastered onto her face.

"And just where is that?"

"I can't say. Not with them around~"

"Sheishuu and Kokuton are not leaving my side. They are here to make sure you don't cause any trouble. Seeing as you won't tell me, no matter what I say or do, then let's move on. Why'd you attack me?"

"Needed to transport you easily. A full-fledged woman with a metal vessel is a bit hard to control, especially when the Kou Empire has washed your brain clean." B/f/n answered. "After she got you out of the way, she would've come for me. Unfortunately, that toy of yours got in the way."

"Prince Koumei is not Y/n's toy. She is his." Kokuton commented. You held your hand out to him, signaling to stop talking.

"Kokuton is right about one thing. Lord and Prince Koumei is not my toy, nor shall he ever be. Thank you for the amazing information that you have given us. Your execution sentence shall take place as soon as the second prince is well once more. Of course, I can't decide when, but I know that my King Kouen will wish his younger brother to see a threat be killed off." You told the two. "Good day. Enjoy rotting in these cells."

With that, you left, your shoes clacking against the hard granite flooring. You heard the two call your name several times, begging you to come back. But you ignored them, heading towards your friend. No, he's not my friend anymore. He's something more than that.

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