Plans and Pains

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You pulled out a long, green-colored scroll. It had battle tactics in it's writing, and you were to learn them all. It had been about eleven months since your arrival to the Kou empire, and you had learned so much! Not to mention that you and Kougyoku had become very close, so close that the both of you could often be found talking late at night about that day's training.

Yes, your life was taking a turn for the better, and you had heard that Prince Kouen would be arriving back at the empire. While you had yet to know if this was true, you also knew that Lord Kouha was in Magnoshutatt, discussing business affairs with its high priest and king.

"Boo!" Judar yelled as he popped out of a random corner. "Hey Peachy Hag! What're you doing now?" He asked as you picked up the scroll you had dropped in shock.

"I'm going to my room and studying, unlike you, I can assume." You answered. He laughed.

"Got that right! The old guys are boring anyways. Always saying that I've got to go to their silly boring meetings. Someone'll just tell me anyways, so why should I go?" He asked. You rolled your eyes.

"Because it's good edicate?" You suggested. "Besides, I wouldn't dream of missing a meeting to discuss the fate of the Empire. Even if it is an weird organization I know next to nothing of, I think I'd go if I were as important as you." You continued, heading into your room. He picked up a fresh peach from the basket of them you often kept in your room.

"See, this is why I like you. Because you don't let me get away with shit." He commented.

"Yeah, yeah. Perhaps it'd suit you to lead a better life. One with more 'bitter vegetables'." You answered. He snorted.

"As if. The only reason I would ever do that is if my life depended upon it, and even then I'd hate it." He answered. "Say, why don't you join us? After all, your Djinn is the Djinn of death. She'd be pretty fitting for the job, wouldn't she?" Judar suggested. You shook your head. Even if you knew little of them, you knew that they brought pain and destruction with them. It was horrible that he would even suggest such a thing.

"Thank you, but I do not enjoy pain and suffering, even if you do. I hope you have a joyful night." You answered. You shook your head in exasperation as he shrugged and left.

After a bit of study, a knock sounded on your door. You got up to see who it was, and to your amazement, it was Koumei. "Lord Koumei! May I ask why you are here so late?" You asked. He was holding a scroll and looked flustered.

"I wanted to see if you could help me with something. The rest of the palace is asleep at this time." He answered.

"What do you need help with?" You asked, beginning to flush. He needed your help? He nodded towards the hallway, and you followed him to see a large map in front of you with many pieces scattered across it's board.

"I'm ashamed to admit that I've come to a loss at this particular area. It seems that I need a second eye." He explained as he pointed at the mountains of Magnoshutatt. You nodded, looking at the area and humming in thought.

"So our troops are to come over here if Magnoshutatt does not agree to surrender, yes?" You asked. He nodded.

"I've thought of using magic to make this pass wider, but that makes it unstable. And it's too difficult for the horses to climb over the pass." Koumei explained, bringing out a better map of the mountains.

"Yes, it's much too difficult." You agreed. "But have you thought of just ignoring the mountains all together? Perhaps we could make a wide swing around them using the sea?" You suggested.

"No, that wouldn't work. They'd have an advantage in the water. Remember, they're magicians, so they can fly." Koumei pointed out. You nodded. "Perhaps we should just open the pass and take the risk." He continued.

"No, that could leave many soldiers wounded and many dead. Instead we could open the pass, make a landslide happen from a safe distance, and then remove the rocks. That would make the pass wider and remove the dangers." He scratched his head at your suggestion.

"Yes, I thought of that as well, but that would take time and alert of our position. Besides, there are other ways, as you suggested." Koumei commented. "For instance, we could send foot soldiers through the roughest terrain, and they clean it up for the horses. We could also use scouts to warn if anybody's near." He suggested.

"Hmm. That also takes time which we would not have. And the Reim also know that Magnoshutatt is the only thing stopping us from conquering them. With magicians on either side, they'd be stronger than the other. Unless the seven seas alliance were to aide the other side." You argued. "Are there any cave systems in these mountains?" You asked. Prince Koumei blinked.

"Yeah, but why?"

"We could use the cave systems to begin building a base within the mountains without giving away the fact that we're the force against it."

"Of course! And if they go far enough, we could practically bypass the entirety of them!" He finished. "How come I didn't think of that?" He asked himself.

"You merely said you needed a second opinion and I gave it. If you no longer need my assistance, I will be back in my room." You answered.

"It would be very helpful if you stayed and continued giving that 'second opinion' of yours. As you are the only other one who can stay up past midnight." Koumei answered. You smiled.

"Of course I will stay, Lord Koumei." You answered. The two of you spoke battle strategy for quite some time, praising each other's thoughts and pointing out flaws when they came up. The respect you had for Lord Koumei grew the more you realized just how much he cared for others. He was such a thoughtful, touching soul.

You looked at him in the growing sunlight. What was this pounding in your chest? Why did you want to.... Stare at him? Just what was making your thoughts revolve around him?

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