Allies or Enemies?

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*3rd Person P.O.V.*

"Lady Gyokuen, they've successfully captured Artymeria and the Reim Empire." A priest informed the sorceress. Gyokuen chuckled upon her throne.

"My stepsons and daughter are doing well to continue the work necessary for our father to return. And my real blood is also succeeding better than I could expect. Aren't they, Judar?" She asked, looking at the magi who had an expression of boredom.

"Yeah, but why do I have to be here? This is so stupid." Judar responded. Gyokuen chuckled.

"Because we want you to celebrate the coming of the next father with us," she answered calmly, sipping her tea. "How's that Y/n girl? Continuing to be good, I hope?" The priestess asked.

"Yes. Koumei's continuing to use her- but they've begun to reciprocate feelings for each other. Should we separate them?" Responded the first priest, looking a little concerned.

"No, this will just make it easier to use them. If one of them begins to stop doing what I say, I can use the other to make them obedient."

"You really are twisted," Judar commented. He started hovering. "I'm going to Parthevia. I want to see Hakuryuu and Y/n. Bye losers."

"Be obedient, Judar." Gyokuen chided gently.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." He responded. With a brilliant flash of white light, the dark magi left. Gyokuen sighed. It seemed that her chess pieces were slowly revolting against her, and she did not know to reclaim them.

Sinbad calmly walked forward, looking at the beige castle towering above him. The palace cast a dark shadow on the King, and he knew that he ought to be careful. Being in enemy territory like this was honestly intimidating, especially since it had once been his home territory. The violet-haired king shook his head, calming himself.

He'd not been Parthevian in so long, and neither had Y/n. Drakon, Masrur, Ja'far, and Yamraiha followed behind him. They looked around, on edge. Sinbad was glad that he had such powerful subordinates with him, and two that had once been Parthevian as well. It was comforting, having his practical family with him.

"Welcome to the Parthevian Palace. Please, follow me." Greeted a black haired woman. Her icy green eyes hid everything, looking at him almost as though she was a tiger and not a human. The staff in her curled hands was long and curved, ready to act should she decide that the guests were hostile. Drakon looked at the long, yellow nails on her hands. Her green eyes were like slits- exactly like a cat. Ja'far leaned in, speaking to Yamraiha.

"Is she a household member?" The white-haired male whispered.

"Yes. I'd assume she's Y/n's." Yamraiha confirmed, noticing a stream of Rukh flowing from the Palace into the woman. The woman turned around, and the five saw a stripped tail behind her.

"Enough dawdling. The General is a busy person if you don't see him now, you'll have to see him later." Asii ordered. "And Y/n is a busy woman as well- she won't tolerate tardiness." With that, the party was led to a simple room with a circular table.

"And if we move the soldiers to this- Ah. Welcome, King Sinbad." Hakuryuu was cut off. "I'm glad you were able to come so quickly." He told the fellow metal vessel user as the officers in the room picked up the scrolls, taking them away. "I don't think you and Y/n have met before. This is the captain of my army, Y/n." Hakuryuu introduced the h/c haired female.

She had a smile that shone like the moon, very unlike when Sinbad had first seen her. "It is an honor to meet such a great King, King Sinbad. Shall we begin?" Y/n asked, her voice sounding like dripping honey to the party's ears. Asii joined her master, whispering to remind Y/n of something. "Ah. Yes, you're right- we have the other metal vessel users in the palace to wait for. Thank you, Asii." The e/c eyed female smiled a little wider. "Could you find them?"

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